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CARIMET Workshop

The CARIMET workshop was held in Kingston, Jamaica, April 14-15, 2015, and brought together representatives from governments, academia and the private sector with responsibilities for renewable energy production, distribution and regulation and the related climate science measurement standards from all 14 countries in the Caribbean plus Belize. In the Caribbean region, fossil fuels are the primary source of energy generation (90% in Jamaica; 89% in the DR), almost all of which is imported. This has significant implications on the cost of energy as prices fluctuate in response to ever-changing international market conditions. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) characteristically have limited environmental resources, making the need for diversified energy production even more critical.

The presentations and panel discussions helped identify important training opportunities for the region in relation to renewable energy and climate change: 

  • Solar and wind are important pillars for good energy policy – standards are needed for interconnection and smart grid connection (metering is important for RE).
  • Certification of EE for companies, labelling of EE appliance and electrical equipment, outreach to create awareness on EE (adopting LED for public lighting). Utilizing and accessing of other existing programs such as Energy Star and others mentioned by CLASP.
  • The measurement capabilities for air quality and GHG emissions are limited and in need of improvement in the Caribbean.
  • Microgrids, which are a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid can provide significant benefits for island environments. 


  • Changes in energy habits (e.g. 90 % Jamaican energy comes from non-renewable sources, this by extension is similar for most Caribbean States).
  • Industries need to adopt to better RE and EE practices; financial sectors needs to get involved in helping to capitalize energy projects.
  • Energy policies and regulations need to be better synchronized. Transportation must be aligned with energy policy objectives and Environmental standards. 

Please follow the hyperlinks below to learn more about the workshop.


Agenda and Presentations

Workshop Report


Created May 5, 2015, Updated August 25, 2016