Kang Lee General Information: 301 975 6602 Telephone 301 990 3851 Facsimile
100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8220 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8220
| Publications 2004-2006
- Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE-1588 Conference, October 2-4, 2006. The proceedings of the October 2-4, 2004 Conference on IEEE 1588 sponsored by NIST, and the I&M Society of the IEEE. Also available as NIST publication TBD.
- Measurement, Control, and Communication Using IEEE 1588. John C. Eidson. This book to be published by Springer in February 2006 covers the history, technical and implementation details, and applications of IEEE 1588. See Springeronline for a full description and ordering.
- Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE-1588 Conference, October 10-12, 2005. The proceedings of the October 10-12, 2005 Conference on IEEE 1588 sponsored by Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE-1588 Conference NIST, Zurich University of Applied Science, and the I&M Society of the IEEE. Also available as NIST publication TBD.
- Timeliness in Networked Embedded Systems. Lee, Edward. IEEE Computer 38 (7), p. 85-87. This article discusses the impediments in implementing hard real-time systems based on current microprocessor, operating system, and network technology. IEEE 1588 is mentioned as one of the key components to solving this problem.
- A Software Platform Architecture for Multi-Protocol, Hardware Supported Clock Synchronization in Heterogeneous Networks. Loschmidt, P.; Gaderer, G.; Sauter, T.: In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation Proceedings Vol. 2, 2005, Catania, pp. 441 - 44>
- IEEE 1588 Real-Time Networks with Hybrid Master Group Enhancements: Gaderer, G.; Loschmidt, P. and Sauter, T. 4th Intl WORKSHOP ON Real Time Networks RTN 05, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 5, 200>
- IEEE 1588* in Network Processors for Next-Generation Industrial Automation Solutions> Sharma, Puneet. Intel Magazine, 2005. A discussion of IEEE 1588 in industrial processors and the Intel IXP465 network processor.
- Synthetic Instruments and LXI: Poole David and Rennard, Bob. Evaluation Engineering, April 2005. A discussion of LXI (LAN Extented for Instrumentation) and the role of IEEE 1588 in this standard.
- Clock Synchronization in Powerline Networks: Gaderer, G.; Sauter, T.; and Bumiller, G. 9th International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and Its Applications ISPLC 2005 Vancouver BC. April 6-8, 200>
- Cars and robots are one. Harris, K.; Balasubramanian, S.: Moldovansky, A. InTech. vol. 52, no 2, p. 28-31, ISA, February 2005. This paper describes the basic operation in a working prototype of IEEE 1588. Applications are cited in automotive production and robotics>
- Extending IEEE 1588 to fault tolerant clock synchronization. Gaderer, G.; Holler, R.; Sauter, T.; Muhr, H. 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems. Proceedings p. 353-7, IEEE,2004, ISBN:0 7803 8734
- This article describes the steps involved in order to achieve a higher precision over Ethernet-based LANs without degrading fault tolerance and determinism aspects. We explain how the statistical time synchronization in IEEE 1588 could be extended by a deterministic algorithm to support those features in an orthogonal fashion>
- Entwurf eines Embedded Systems und IP-Cores zur Uhrensynchronisation: Bigler, T.; Winkler, F. and Gaderer, G. In: Proceedings of the 2004 Austrochip Conference, Austria, Vienna, pp. 119-126
- Enhancements to the time synchronization standard IEEE-1588 for a system of cascaded bridges. Jasperneite, J.; Shehab, K.; Weber, K. 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems. Proceedings p. 239-44, IEEE , 2004, ISBN: 0 7803 8734 At the field level of industrial automation systems, the line topology is very important. By using Ethernet at the field level, the resulting chain of bridges leads to a cascade of control loops and may lead to instabilities and deviations of the distributed clocks, which are not acceptable. For this application a bypass clock instead of the boundary clock is proposed as an enhancement of the IEEE-1588 standard. The effectiveness of this extension to be evaluated by simulation technique>
- Time-triggered Ethernet based on IEEE 1588 clock synchronisation. Heffernan, D.; Doyle, P. Assembly Automation vol.24, no.3 p. 264-9, Emerald ,2004 ISSN: 0144-5154
- This paper looks at some of the emerging de facto solutions in industrial control and describes a novel project where clusters of real-time transducer networks are developed and the control is tightly synchronised using the IEEE 1588 clock synchronisation standard, realising a "Time-triggered Ethernet" solution>
- Title: Extending ethernet for instrumentation. Semancik, Jon N. EE: Evaluation Engineering v 43 n 10 October 2004. ISSN:0149-0370 The use of Ethernet as communications interface for instrumentation, is discussed>
- Das "isolierte" Ethernet ( The 'isolated' Ethernet ). Walter, Klaus-Dieter SSV, Hannover, DE
- Computer und Automation, v51, n11, pp68-70,72-73 , 200>
- Ethernet im Takt. IEEE 1588. Standard zur Synchronisation von Uhren. Weibel, Hans
- Zuercher HS Winterthur (ZHW), CH SPS Magazin, v17, nSPS-Special 2004, pp32-34 , 2004
- ISSN:0935-018>
- How to integrate real-time-ethernet interfaces into existing products using the example of ETHERNET Powerlink technology ( Wie Echtzeit-Ethernet-Schnittstellen in existierende Produkte integriert werden koennen am Beispiel der ETHERNET-Powerlink-Technologie )
- Duchemin, Peter. Smart Network Devices, Juelich, DE Embedded World Conf. 2004, Proc., Nuernberg, DE, Feb 17-19, 2004 , 2004 >
- Strategies for Clock Synchronization in Powerline Networks. Gaderer, G.; Sauter, T. 3rd International Workshop on Real Time Networks, Catania, Italy June 29, 200>
- Ethernet erreicht das Feld. Sechs Echtzeit-Varianten im Vergleich - Teil 1> Schwager, Juergen, FH Reutlingen, HS f. Tech. u. Wirtschaft, D. Elektronik, Poing, v53, n11, pp48-50,52-54 , 2004 ISSN:0013-565>
- Harte Anforderungen fuers Ethernet. Industrial-Ethernet in der Automatisierungstechni>
- Dreher, Andreas. Hirschmann Electron., D Network Computing, v19, nSpecial Infrastruktur, pp38,40-41 , 2004 ISSN: 1435-252>
- Precision time protocol prototype on wireless LAN, Kannisto, J.; Vanhatupa, T.; Hannikainen, M.; Hamalainen, T.D., Telecommunications and Networking- ICT 2004. 11th International Conference on Telecommunications. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. Vol 3124) p.1236-45. This paper presents the design and implementation of an IEEE 1588 PC software prototype for wireless LANs.
- Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE-1588 Conference, September 27-9, 2004. The proceedings of the September 27-9, 2004 Conference on IEEE 1588 sponsored by NIST and the I&M Society of the IEEE. Also available as NIST publication NISTIR 7192.
- The Future of Time Synchronization , Ken R. Harris, Anatoly Moldovansky, Steve Zuponcic, AB Journal (On Line) June 2004. A discussion of IEEE 1588 in the context of CIP Sync.
- Insync, Kendal R. Harris, Anatoly Moldovansky, Steve Zuponcic, ISA InTech (On Line) May 1, 2004. A discussion of CIP Sync and IEEE 1588 for multi-axis motion control.