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NIST/ITL's Biometric Application Programming Interface (BioAPI) Conformance Test Suite (CTS) beta implementation (also known as the BioAPI Test Environment (BTE)) was developed to help users verify the conformance of Biometric Service Providers (BSPs) to American National Standard InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standard (ANSI INCITS) 358-2002, the BioAPI Specification 1.1.
NIST/ITL's BioAPI Conformance Test Suite Implementation Overview (143KB) provides information on its development history, its overall architecture and a description of its components.
The document refers to American National Standard InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (ANSI INCITS) 358-2002, the BioAPI specification and the BioAPI conformance testing methodology standard under development in INCITS Technical Committee M1 Biometrics. Background on NIST's Biometrics Standards program is included. It discusses the need for conformity assessment efforts in support of the BioAPI standard and other biometric interoperability and data interchange standards.
A brief reference to the organizations involved in the development and testing of NIST/ITL's BioAPI CTS implementation is also included.
NIST/ITL's BioAPI CTS Implementation (BTE) User Guide provides information on the computer requirements for installing the BioAPI Test Environment (BTE). It contains information on how to download and install Java, it describes the BTE installation procedure, and how to run the BTE. An informative brief walkthrough is provided. A list of currently supported BioAPI and BioSPI functions and a software distribution - file list is also provided.
Please click here to download the User Guide (700KB).
Copyright Notice
NIST/ITL's Biometric Application Programming Interface (BioAPI) Conformance Test Suite (CTS) Implementation (the BioAPI Test Environment - BTE) development project was co-sponsored by the National Biometric Security Project (NBSP). NBSP, working through government funding from the Biometrics for National Security (BiNS) Program, developed the BTE beta implementation V1.1. The software program was developed specifically in support of NIST's Biometrics Standards program. The Biometric Foundation (also funded by NBSP under the same program) collaborated with NIST/ITL in performing the required tests before release. NBSP does not retain any ownership of the software tool nor does it retain any copyrights to the tools as it has transferred all its rights of the software tool to NIST, royalty free. These rights include but are not limited to NIST's permanent and unlimited right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so without the payment of any royalty to NBSP. The software may be freely copied and used assuming proper credit is given. User agrees to acknowledge this use to NIST/ITL, and acknowledges NIST/ITL and NBSP's contributions to the User's work.
Disclaimers and Limitations on Liability
IST and NBSP make no representations or warranties, express or implied, of any kind with respect to this software or its contents. The contents of this software, including, without limitation, the materials, are provided "as is," without any warranty of any kind, either express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty that the software will conform to specifications, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from infringement, and any warranty that the documentation will conform to the program, or any warranty that the software will be error free. In no event shall NIST, NBSP nor it's subcontractors be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this software, whether or not based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of the results of, or use of, the software or services provided hereunder.
The release of BioAPI CTS Beta Implementation Version 1.1 software is based on the fourth draft (INCITS M1/06-0073) of InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) Project 1703-D - "Information Technology Conformance Testing Methodology for ANSI INCITS 358-2002, BioAPI Specification", and is subject to change. NIST/ITL reserves the right to make changes to the BioAPI CTS software or documentation without notice as deemed appropriate by the Government. Use of this software does not guarantee that any support concerning the BioAPI CTS or its components will be available to Users, nor does it guarantee that defects or errors will be corrected by any pre-defined dates.
The User Guide provides computer requirements for installing the BTE (as shown below), information on how to download and install Java, it describes the BTE installation procedure, and how to run the BTE. An informative brief walkthrough is provided. A list of currently supported BioAPI and BioSPI functions and a software distribution - file list is also provided.
The following are the computer requirements for installing the BTE.
By downloading NIST/ITL's BioAPI CTS beta implementation (the "BTE"), I acknowledge review of the computer requirements and User Guide and acceptance of the terms of the NIST disclaimer. For installation instructions please refer to the "BTE Installation" in the User Guide.
* NIST/ITL's BioAPI CTS beta implementation (BTE) (3.1MB)
* User Guide
Send comments and suggestions on the NIST/ITL's Biometric Application Programming Interface (BioAPI) Conformance Test Suite (CTS) to BioAPICTS [at] (BioAPICTS[at]nist[dot]gov)