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Search Publications by: Carl D. Reintsema (Fed)

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 115

Ultrafast time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy of ferrioxalate photolysis with a laser plasma x-ray source and microcalorimeter array

February 17, 2017
Galen C. O'Neil, Joel N. Ullom, Luis Miaja Avila, Young Il Joe, Joseph W. Fowler, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel S. Swetz, Kevin L. Silverman, Daniel R. Schmidt, Bruce D. Ravel, Gene C. Hilton, William B. Doriese, Bradley K. Alpert, Ralph Jimenez
Using a table-top apparatus based upon a laser plasma x-ray source and an array of cryogenic microcalorimeter x-ray detectors, we have measured the transient x-ray absorption spectrum during the ferrioxalate photoreduction reaction. We observe the Fe K

First application of superconducting transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters to hadronic-atom x-ray spectroscopy

September 30, 2016
Douglas Bennett, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Joseph Fowler, Johnathon Gard, James P. Hays-Wehle, Gene C. Hilton, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom
High-resolution pionic-atom x-ray spectroscopy was performed with an x-ray spectrometer based on a 240-pixel array of superconducting transition-edge-sensor (TES)microcalorimeters at the πM1 beam line of the Paul Scherrer Institute. The pionic-carbon 4 → 3

Ultrafast time-resolved hard x-ray emission spectroscopy on a table top

September 27, 2016
Luis Miaja Avila, Galen C. O'Neil, Young Il Joe, Bradley K. Alpert, Niels Damrauer, William B. Doriese, Steven Fatur, Joseph W. Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, Ralph Jimenez, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Kevin L. Silverman, Daniel S. Swetz, Hideyuki Tatsuno, Joel N. Ullom
Chemical reactions driven by light are fundamental to biology and a source of inspiration for engineering materials to perform tasks such as solar energy harvesting and data storage. Observing and understanding photodynamics requires experimental tools

Code-division-multiplexed readout of large arrays of TES microcalorimeters

September 15, 2016
Kelsey M. Morgan, Bradley K. Alpert, Douglas A. Bennett, William B. Doriese, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Young Il Joe, Galen C. O'Neil, Carl D. Reintsema, Edward V. Denison, Daniel R. Schmidt, Joel N. Ullom, Daniel S. Swetz
Code-division multiplexing (CDM) offers a path to reading out large arrays of transition edge sensor (TES) X-ray micro-calorimeters with excellent energy and timing resolution. We demonstrate the readout of X-ray TESs with a 32-channel flux-summed code

Absolute Energy Calibration of X-ray TESs with 0.04 eV Uncertainty at 6.4 keV in a Hadron-Beam Environment

January 19, 2016
Hideyuki Tatsuno, William B. Doriese, Douglas A. Bennett, Catalina Curceanu, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, Fredrick P. Gustafsson, Tadashi Hashimoto, Ryugo S. Hayano, James P. Hays-Wehle, Gene C. Hilton, Mihail Iliescu, Shigeru Ishimoto, Kenta Itahashi, Masashiko Iwasaki, Keisuke Kuwabara, Yue Ma, Johann Marton, Hirofumi Noda, Galen C. O'Neil, Shinji Okada, Haruhiko Outa, Carl D. Reintsema, Masaharu Sato, Daniel R. Schmidt, Hexi Shi, Ken Suzuki, Takatoshi Suzuki, Jens Uhlig, Joel N. Ullom, Eberhard Widmann, Shinya Yamada, Johann Zmeskal, Daniel S. Swetz
A performance evaluation of superconducting transition-edge sensors (TESs) in the environment of a pion beam line at a particle accelerator is presented. Averaged across the 209 functioning sensors in the array, the achieved energy resolution is 5.2 eV

Developments in time-division multiplexing of X-ray transition-edge sensors.

December 8, 2015
William B. Doriese, Kelsey M. Morgan, Douglas A. Bennett, Edward V. Denison, Colin P. Fitzgerald, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, James P. Hays-Wehle, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Young Il Joe, John A. Mates, Galen C. O'Neil, Carl D. Reintsema, Nigel O. Robbins, Daniel R. Schmidt, Daniel S. Swetz, Hideyuki Tatsuno, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale
Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a mature scheme for the readout of transition-edge sensors. Variants of TDM, which is based on superconducting-quantum-interference-device (SQUID) current amplifiers, have to date been field-deployed in several

High-resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors: present performance and future potential

May 1, 2015
W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Joseph Fowler, Daniel Swetz, Cherno Jaye, Daniel A. Fischer, Carl D. Reintsema, Douglas Bennett, Leila R. Vale, Gene C. Hilton, Dan Schmidt, Joel Ullom, Jens Uhlig, Ujjwal Mandal, Galen O'Neil, Luis Miaja Avila, Young I. Joe, wilfrid fullagar, Fredrick P. Gustafsson, Dharma Kurunthu, Villy Sundstrom
X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) is a powerful element-selective tool to analyze the oxidation states of atoms in complex compounds, determine their electronic configuration, and identify unknown compounds in challenging environments. Until now the low

Integration of TES microcalorimeters with microwave SQUID multiplexed readout.

December 22, 2014
Douglas A. Bennett, John A. Mates, Johnathon D. Gard, Andrew Hoover, Micheal Rabin, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Leila R. Vale, Joel N. Ullom
The demonstration of a microwave SQUID multiplexed readout of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters has the potential to dramatically expand the scale of arrays of TESs. In this manuscript we discuss recent work to develop an instrument for high

Standoff passive video imaging at 350 GHz with 251 superconducting detectors

June 20, 2014
Daniel T. Becker, James A. Beall, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Gene C. Hilton, Nicholas G. Paulter Jr., Carl D. Reintsema, Robert E. Schwall, Cale Gentry, Ilya Smirnov, Peter Ade, W D. Duncan, Mark Halpern, Carole Tucker
Millimeter wavelength radiation holds promise for detection of security threats at a distance, including suicide bomb belts and maritime threats in poor weather. The high sensitivity of superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) detectors makes them

Table-top ultrafast x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometry for molecular structure

March 26, 2013
Jens (. Uhlig, William B. Doriese, Joseph W. Fowler, Daniel S. Swetz, Carl D. Reintsema, Douglas A. Bennett, Leila R. Vale, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Joel N. Ullom, Ilari Maasilta, Wilfred Fullagar, Niklas Gador, Sophie Canton, Kimmo Kinnunen, Villy Sundstrom
This work presents an x-ray absorption measurement by use of ionizing radiation generated by a femtosecond pulsed laser source. The spectrometer was a microcalorimetric array whose pixels are capable of accurately measuring energies of individual radiation

A high resolution gamma-ray spectrometer based on superconducting microcalorimeters

September 28, 2012
Douglas A. Bennett, Robert D. Horansky, Daniel R. Schmidt, Andrew Hoover, Ryan Winkler, Bradley K. Alpert, James A. Beall, William B. Doriese, Joseph W. Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Nathan J. Hoteling, Vincent Y. Kotsubo, John A. Mates, Galen C. O'Neil, Michael W. Rabin, Carl D. Reintsema, Francis J. Schima, Daniel S. Swetz, Leila R. Vale, Joel N. Ullom
Improvements in superconductor device fabrication, detector hybridization techniques, and superconducting quantum interference device readout have made square-centimeter-sized arrays of gammaray microcalorimeters, based on transition-edge sensors (TESs)

Demonstration of code-division multiplexing for x-ray microcalorimeters

February 13, 2012
Greg Stiehl, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Carl D. Reintsema, Dan Schmidt, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Joseph Fowler
We demonstrate the code-division multiplexing (CDM) readout of eight transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters. The energy resolution is 3.0 eV (full width at half-maximum) or better at 5.9 keV, with a best resolution of 2.3 eV and a mean of 2.6 eV over the

Advanced Code-Division Multiplexers for Superconducting Detector Arrays

February 11, 2012
Kent D. Irwin, Hsiao-Mei Cho, William B. Doriese, Joseph W. Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, Michael D. Niemack, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale
Multiplexers based on the modulation of superconducting quantum interference devices are now regularly used in multi-kilopixel arrays of superconducting detectors for astrophysics, cosmology, and materials analysis. Over the next decade, much larger arrays

Optimization of the TES-bias circuit for a multiplexed microcalorimeter array

January 27, 2012
William B. Doriese, Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, Alex S. Hojem, Kent D. Irwin, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Greg Stiehl, Daniel S. Swetz, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale
In the detector-bias circuit of a transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeter, the TES-shunt resistor (Rsh) and the thermal conductance to the cryogenic bath (G) are often considered to be interchangeable knobs with which to control detector speed

A High Resolution High-Sensitivity Standoff Imaging System at 350 GHz

May 23, 2011
Daniel T. Becker, Cale Gentry, James A. Beall, Hsiao-Mei Cho, William Duncan, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Peter J. Lowell, Michael D. Niemack, Nicholas G. Paulter Jr., Carl D. Reintsema, Francis J. Schima, Robert E. Schwall, Peter Ade, Carole Tucker, Simon Dicker, Halpern Mark
Millimeter wavelength radiation holds promise for detection of security threats at a distance, including suicide bomb belts and maritime threats in poor weather conditions. The sensitivity provided by superconducting Transition-Edge-Sensor (TES) bolometers

Time-division SQUID multiplexers with reduced sensitivity to external magnetic fields

November 29, 2010
Greg Stiehl, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, John A. Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Barry L. Zink
We have developed time-division SQUID multiplexers to read out large arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES) detectors. These multiplexers are used in many applications that require exquisite control of systematic error. One important application is the

A 350-GHz high-resolution high-sensitivity passive video imaging system

April 27, 2010
Daniel T. Becker, James A. Beall, Hsiao-Mei Cho, William Duncan, Kent D. Irwin, Gene C. Hilton, Robert D. Horansky, Peter J. Lowell, Michael D. Niemack, Nicholas G. Paulter Jr., Carl D. Reintsema, Francis J. Schima, Robert E. Schwall, Ki W. Yoon, Peter Ade, Carole Tucker, Simon Dicker, Mark Halpern
We are developing a 350 GHz cryogenic passive video imaging system. This demonstration system uses 800 photon-noise-limited superconducting transition edge sensor bolometers. It will image a 1 m x 1 m area at a standoff distance of 16 m to a resolution of

Code-division SQUID multiplexing

April 23, 2010
Michael D. Niemack, Kent D. Irwin, Joern Beyer, Hsiao-Mei Cho, William B. Doriese, Gene C. Hilton, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale
Multiplexed superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) readout systems are a critical technology for measuring large arrays of superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) detectors. Current successful SQUID multiplexing architectures are

Superconductor Science and Technology

February 22, 2010
Kent D. Irwin, Michael D. Niemack, Joern Beyer, Hsiao-Mei Cho, William B. Doriese, Gene C. Hilton, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale
Multiplexed superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) amplifiers have recently enabled the deployment of kilopixel arrays of superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) detectors on a variety of receivers for astrophysics. Existing multiplexing

Electronics for a Next-Generation SQUID-Based Time-Domain Multiplexing System

December 16, 2009
Carl D. Reintsema, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Joseph S. Adams, Robert Baker, Simon R. Bandler, William B. Doriese, Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, Richard L. Kelly, Caroline A. Kilbourne, F. S. Porter, Jeff Krinsky, Patrick Wikus
A decade has elapsed since the design, development and realization of a SQUID-based time-division multiplexer at NIST. During this time the system has been used extensively for low-temperature-detector-array measurements. Concurrently, there have been

An Optical System for Body Imaging from a Distance Using near-TeraHertz Frequencies

January 26, 2008
William Duncan, Robert E. Schwall, Kent D. Irwin, James A. Beall, Carl D. Reintsema, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Brian Estey, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Peter Ade, Carole Tucker
We present the outline of the optical design of a TeraHertz (THz) imager for the detection of shrapnel-loaded improvised explosive devices (IED''s) at ''stand-off'' distances of 14 - 26 meters. The system will use 4 antenna-coupled TES detector arrays of

A TDMA Hybrid SQUID Multiplexer

January 25, 2008
Carl D. Reintsema, James A. Beall, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, William Duncan, S. L. Ferreira, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Dan Schmidt, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Yizi Xu
We have developed a multiplexed read-out for transition edge sensors based on a hybrid time- and frequency-domain basis set, similar to that used in time-division multiple-access (TDMA) mobile phones. The hybrid basis set uses bandwidth more efficiently

Large array of multiplexed gamma-ray microcalorimeters for nuclear-materials analysis

January 24, 2008
W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Joel Ullom, James A. Beall, William Duncan, S. L. Ferreira, Gene C. Hilton, Rob Horansky, Kent D. Irwin, John Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Dan Schmidt, Leila R. Vale, Yizi Xu, Barry L. Zink, Michael W. Rabin, Minesh K. Bacrania, Stephen Lamont, Andrew Hoover, Clifford R. Rudy, Duc Vo, C. K. Stahle, Kevin R. Boyce, Larry E. Brown, Jonathan M. King, F. S. Porter
We are developing a gamma-ray spectrometer for the analysis of nuclear materials based on an array of superconducting transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters. The instrument includes eight columns of time-division-SQUID multiplexing circuitry capable of

Multiplexed microcalorimeter arrays for precision measurements from microwave to gamma-ray wavelengths

August 21, 2007
Joel Ullom, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, James A. Beall, William Duncan, S. L. Ferreira, Gene C. Hilton, Rob Horansky, Kent D. Irwin, Terrence J. Jach, John Mates, Nathan A. Tomlin, Galen O'Neil, Carl D. Reintsema, Nicholas Ritchie, Dan Schmidt, Leila R. Vale, Yizi Xu, Barry L. Zink, Andrew Hoover, Clifford R. Rudy, Derek Tournear, Duc Vo, Michael W. Rabin
Cryogenic microcalorimeters are a promising technology for ultrasensitive measurements of electromagnetic radiation from microwave to gamma-ray wavelengths. Cryogenic microcalorimeters derive their exquisite sensitivity from the minimal thermal noise at

A 14-pixel, multiplexed array of gamma-ray microcalorimeters with 47 eV energy resolution at 103 keV

May 9, 2007
W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Joel Ullom, James A. Beall, William Duncan, S. L. Ferreira, Gene C. Hilton, Rob Horansky, Kent D. Irwin, John Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Leila R. Vale, Yizi Xu, Barry L. Zink, Andrew Hoover, Michael W. Rabin, Clifford R. Rudy, Duc Vo
We present a prototype for a high-energy-resolution, high-count-rate, gamma-ray spectrometer intended for nuclear forensics and international nuclear safeguards. The prototype spectrometer is an array of 14 transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters with an