Microwave acoustic resonators are widely used to filter signals on multiple frequency bands for mobile communications. To predict filter performance, industry makes computational models that rely on measurements of the electro-mechanical properties of piezoelectric materials. Current models are not sufficient to predict the performance of individual devices and the final integrated product.
This project will directly measure the electrical, mechanical (acoustic), and electro-mechanical materials properties of piezoelectric materials recommended by industrial stakeholders. Stakeholders will be able to incorporate those measurements into their multi-physics models for more accurate models of device performance.
Grand Challenge 4: Modeling and Simulating Semiconductor Materials, Designs, and Components
Many commercial sensor, filter, and resonator technologies use piezoelectric materials. In telecommunications, bulk acoustic wave (BAW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters separate incoming and outgoing communication signals in cellphones. This CHIPS project disseminates new metrology that improves materials models in the circuit design to maximize performance.
Microwave acoustic filters are widely used to separate and process incoming and outgoing antenna signals on multiple frequency bands for mobile communications, including 5G, WiFi, and Bluetooth data transfer. The U.S. currently dominates manufacturing of these devices, and is home to several major manufacturers of these chips.
Through extensive stakeholder engagement, industry members communicated the need for improved measurements and models for the fundamental materials properties of piezoelectric materials.
This project will address those industry needs and:
Provide high quality measurements of industrially relevant piezoelectric materials
Expanded frequency range of measurement capabilities to address next generation needs
Create new measurement techniques to extract specific piezoelectric properties that determine device performance.
This project will deliver new methods for characterizing piezoelectric materials, as well as high-quality measurements for industry to incorporate into device models. More accurate models will allow tighter specifications on components and enabling industry to cut costs while improving performance. These metrology advantages will help continue to ensure the dominance of U.S. industry in the acoustic filter market.