Current Official Versions:
RPD-QM-II: Version 7.70
Guides & Procedures:
Document Number | Official Guide Version | Official Procedure Version |
1 | 3.11 | 7.00 |
2 | 3.20 | 7.10 |
3 | 3.20 | 4.70 |
4 | 6.20 | 7.00 |
5 | 3.11 | 6.00 |
6 | 2.10 | 6.00 |
7 | 2.11 | 4.20 |
8 | 2.11 | 4.40 |
9 | 2.11 | n/a |
10 | 3.35 | 4.00 |
11 | 4.20 | 8.00 |
12 | 3.50 | 8.00 |
13 | 3.20 | 5.50 |
14 | N/A | 4.24 |
15 | N/A | 6.00 |
16 | N/A | 6.00 |
18 | N/A | 1.60 |
22 | N/A | 1.00 |
23 | N/A | 1.10 |
New Version Approval Dates:
March 2025: QMII updated for changes in Appendix C, newly appointed Deputy Chief and Acting Quality Manager. In addition, records locations and SRM request process were updated along with correction of typos and grammar.
December 2024: QMII updated for changes in Appendix C, new authorized staff and newly appointed Neutron Interaction Group Leader.
November 2024: Updated Procedure 18 for revalidation of service.
April 2024: QMII and Procedure 23 updated for inactive links.
January 2024: QMII updated for changes in Appendix C regarding the new Procedure 23. Procedure 23 was added to the QMS.
December 2023: QMII updated for changes in Appendix C, new authorized staff and newly appointed Division Chief.
May 2023: Procedures 4 through 6 updated to address details identified during the internal audit.
April 2023: Procedures 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 18 have been updates for details identified during the internal audit. Procedure 2 updated for a footer editorial error.
March 2023: Procedure 2 updated with special test and proficiency test information. Minor edits to Guides 2, 3, 4 and 12.
February 2023: Procedure 14 updated with special test. Procedure 1 and 10 updated for technical changes. Changes to the QMII included administrative and updates to the Appendix C. RPD Calibration Service Personnel.
July 2022: Procedure 22 was approved to be added to the QMS to support the existing special tests associated with 43060S. The QMII v7.53 includes changes for special test information and the addition of Procedure 22.
June 2022: QMII updated for changes in Appendix C for Radioactivity. Procedure 3 and Procedure 15 updated for assessment findings.
April 2022: P11 and P12 updated for change in example report signature line.
November 2021: Guides 1, 2,7, 8 and 11 and the QMII were updated to address findings from the NIST assessment.
August 2021: Updates to Appendix C. RPD Calibration Service Personnel and Procedure 13 updated to include new serial numbers.
July 2021: Procedures 1 through 6, 11 and 12 updated for changes due to laboratory moves and quality clarifications.
June 2021: Procedure 18 updated to include new facility changes, 46013C service ID and 46050S proficiency testing. Procedures 7, 8 and 10 updated for lab location change.
May 2021: Complaint Guide 4 updated for electronic processing.
April 2021: QMII updated for authorized staff, clarification of services codes with primary and secondary contacts and process for notifying the SRM administration of additional staff.
February 2, 2021: Guide 12 updated due to editorial change of the replacement of the term test folder number with order number.
January 2021: The QMII, section 7.8, updated for electronic reports that was missed with the September 2020 update.
September 2020: Guide 9 was updated to include risk assessments. Guide 10 was updated with example internal audit checklist and details to explain findings. Procedure 2 updated for internal audit findings. The QMII and Guide 5 includes electronic transmission of reports.
May 2020: Procedure 7 updated with correct link.
February 2020: Procedure 8 updated with correct link.
January 2020: QMII updated for E-commerce clarifications and updates to Procedures 8, 10 and 14.
October 2019: Revised QMII, Procedure 15 and 16 for comments found during the SRM IA2019.
September 2019: Instructions for circulating electronic forms added to the Forms links.
August 2019: Updated guides for V11.
July 2019: Procedure 17 was removed, SRM 2087/88 was retired.
July 2019: QMII, version 7.40 revised to NIST-QMI-V11.
June 2019: Update to Procedure 3, version 4.55 to 4.56.
May 2019: QMII, version 7.336, and Procedure 3 removed the terminated ID's 46030S and 46040S.
April 2019: QMII, version 7.335 clarification of the SRM process to include the license verification performed following Interdivisional Procedure IP1-1 (maintained by GRSD). Shipping and handling was removed from the Appendix C list of authorized services for procedure 15.
December 2018: QMII, version 7.33 updated addition of RPD Deputy Director name and duties and Radioactivity Group Leader removed acting.
September 2018: Procedure 7 was updated for changes to calibration report.
September 2018: Procedures 1, 3 and 18 had administrative changes to handling test folder processing and shipping order generation.
September 11, 2018: New version of QMII, version 7.32 (removal of the division secretary's involvement with the test folder closure.)
April 2018: Procedures 8 and 10 were updated due to changes to calibration reports.
March 16, 2018: New version of QMII, version 7.31 (availability change in section 5.1)
January 16, 2018: New version of QMII (name changes in appendix, test folder processing updates and calibration ID updates).
December 13, 2017: Update to Procedure 16, version 4.0 to 5.0.
August 31, 2017: Guide 11 changed to version 4.05, includes the electronic tracking of training.
July 5, 2017: Guide 10 changed to version 3.25, update to QMI reference.
June 16, 2017: Update to procedure 3 and 18. Guide 13 was revised to 3.10 which clarified how the PML Calibration Customer Survey is an exception to processing a comment form.
March 2017: Guide 10 changed to version 3.20, changed responsibilities of the quality and deputy manager in regards related to internal assessments.
February 2017: New version of Procedure 3.
November 2015: New versions of QMII; Guide 10; Procedures 3, 8, 14, 18.
July 2015: New versions of QMII; Guides 1,2,3,4,5,10,11; Procedures 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16; Procedure 9 was terminated; Procedure 18 (1.00) is new
July 2014: RPD name change: versions that are edited end in 5
2012: RBPD name change: 0.01 added to versions edited
January 25, 2012: (New) Procedure 17 (1.00)
October 1, 2010: Procedure 03 (3.02) editorial changes to references
June 24, 2010: Procedure 14 (4.02)
May 17, 2010: IRD QM-II 6.20; Guides 8 (2.10), 12 (3.10); Procedures 1 (3.01), 2 (4.01), 3 (3.01), 4 (4.01), 5 (3.01), 6 (3.01), 7 (3.01), 8 (3.01), 9 (2.01), 10 (2.01), 11 (4.01), 12 (4.01), 13 (4.01), 14 (3.01), 15 (3.01), 16 (3.01)
Feb 4, 2010: Procedure #2 version 4.00
Feb 1, 2010: IRD QM-II version 6.10
Dec 7, 2009: All QS Documents Revised