The Crime Scene/Death Investigation Scientific Area Committee (SAC) provides strategic direction, serves as a platform to integrate similar standards activities across multiple forensic science disciplines, and manages the activities of the following subcommittees:
Jason Wiersema, Ph.D., SAC Chair, Harris County (Texas) Institute of Forensic Sciences
Michael P. Kessler, SAC Vice Chair, National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC)
Jeremy Chappell, SAC Executive Secretary, Kansas City (Missouri) Police Department
John Allen, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Kenneth Aschheim, DDS, New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Chair of the OSAC Odontology Subcommittee
Craig Beyler, Hughes Associates Fire Science and Engineering, Chair of the OSAC Fire & Explosion Investigation Subcommittee
Elissia Conlon, City of New York Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Chair of the OSAC Disaster Victim Identification Subcommittee
Kenneth Furton, Ph.D., Florida International University, Chair of the OSAC Dogs & Sensors Subcommittee
Thomas Holland, Ph.D., DoD Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, Central Identification Laboratory, Chair of the OSAC Anthropology Subcommittee
Gerald McGwin, Jr., M.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham
Keith Pinckard, M.D., Travis County Medical Examiner's Office, Chair of the OSAC Medicolegal Death Investigation