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September 2023 NICE Community Coordinating Council Monthly Meeting Recap

#ICYMI - Monthly Meeting Recap

2023 NICE Community Graphic
Credit: NICE

In case you missed last month's meeting, the minutes from the September 26, 2023, NICE Community Coordinating Council meeting have been published. The meeting included speakers from the Massachusetts institute of Technology, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the University of Kansas, Marymount University, and more!

Take a look at some key highlights from our meeting:

Standing Items

Report Roundup
Peter Cihon from GitHub and Mert Demirer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shared a presentation on how AI-powered software development may affect labor markets.

Strategy Stories
Anthony Boese from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs presented on the All Services Personnel and Institutional Readiness Engine (ASPIRE), a cross-agency collaborative project which uses the NICE Framework to assess, educate, and streamline the federal government workforce.

Framework Feature
Diane DeBacker and Julianna Marie Stockton from the University of Kansas spoke about the Center for Certification & Competency-Based Education (C3Be). The C3Be has an ongoing project that has used the NICE Framework to identify the top ten attributes that would make a candidate well suited to a future role in cybersecurity.

Research Review
Diane Murphy from Marymount University provided a briefing on
research on the match between cybersecurity higher education workforce needs. The research findings reinforced the need for skills and work experience.

Working Group and Community of Interest Updates

The Promote Career Discovery Working Group has been focusing on preparations for Cybersecurity Career Week, including hosting a webinar and hosting training sessions for 30 new Cybersecurity Career Ambassadors.

The Transform Learning Process Working Group and K12 Cybersecurity Education Community of Interest are finalizing their new project for recognizing faculty who teach cybersecurity.

The Apprenticeships in Cybersecurity Community of Interest and Competitions Community of Interest have finalized and published updates to their one pagers. You can see the new versions of the Apprenticeship One Pager and Competitions One Pager online.

The new Diversity and Inclusion Community of Interest held their first meeting and are working on drafting their charter based on discussions with members.

The NICE Framework Users Group held an open call to discuss some of the conceptual connections between the NICE Framework and other NIST Frameworks, such as the Risk Management Framework and Privacy Framework, as well as some of the ways they can formalize those connections.

Learn how to join a Working Group or Community of Interest

Project Progress Reports

The US Cyber Games Season 3 Combine was held from July 7th – September 1st, 2023. Each week of the Combine, over 120 athletes participated in training on core topic areas.

The NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference early bird registration is now open! Discounted registration fees are available until October 23, 2023.

Featured Topic

Marian Merritt from NICE shared about the release of draft updates to NIST Special Publication 800-50 revision 1, Building a Cybersecurity and Privacy Learning Program. Among other updates, the 20 year-old document has been revised to include ‘privacy’. Comments on the draft document are being requested through October 27, 2023.

Learn More

Join our next meeting on October 24, 2023 
The NICE Community Coordinating Council meets monthly to engage with public and private sector participants on cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development topics. 

Additionally, the NICE Community Coordinating Council is comprised of three Working Groups and five Communities of Interest, each with their own meeting cadence.

Learn More

Released October 18, 2023, Updated February 4, 2025