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CHIPS R&D Standardization Readiness Level Workshop

CHIPS R&D Standardization Readiness Level Workshop Virtual Only Banner
Credit: CHIPS/A. Kim

CHIPS R&D Standardization Readiness Level (StRL) Workshop

June 4-5, 2024

The CHIPS Research and Development Office’s Standardization Readiness Level (StRL) Workshop will be held as a virtual event from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time June 4, 2024, and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on June 5, 2024.  This event will bring together technical experts from industry, academia, standards developing organizations, and industry alliances to consider community perspectives on metrics for standardization readiness.

Currently, StRL is a nascent conceptual framework that provides a structured approach to inform a standardization strategy for a given technology area through exploration of the elements of technology, metrology, market, and community. Considerations can include technology maturity, market community commitment and expressed need, the availability and willingness of an expert community to develop standards, the state of the requisite measurement science, the readiness of the user community to adopt standards if they existed, and the value proposition of the potential standard given the state of the market. NIST has been working with international standards working groups to define an StRL scale and apply it to other critical and emerging technology areas. This workshop will explore whether a well-defined StRL framework, tailored for use in semiconductor standards development, could serve as a crucial guide for determining if research outcomes should be integrated into voluntary industry standards activities.

This one and one-half day hybrid event provides an opportunity to network and exchange ideas with thought leaders across the sector. Both Day One and Day Two will feature plenary and panel sessions with renowned speakers, followed by interactive breakout sessions focusing on defining an StRL framework and its application to semiconductor-relevant technologies. Questions that will be considered include:

  • What considerations would best inform the readiness of the technology, community, and market for embarking on a standards effort?
  • Can a simple StRL framework with specific levels and criteria be established based on the technology, metrology, community, and market considerations? Is anything missing that should be considered?
  • How can an overall StRL assessment of an opportunity for standards development be made based on the outcomes of the technology, metrology, community, and market considerations?
  • How can the alignment between Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL), and Standardization Readiness Level (StRL) be utilized to identify strategic standards opportunities, and how might this draw relevant TRL and MRL experts into the discussion?
  • How can an StRL framework enhance communication and collaboration among researchers and SDOs?
  • How can an StRL framework be integrated into the processes of SDOs?

The draft agenda is located on the “Agenda” tab and will be updated as the event nears. Key findings will be published in a post-workshop report and will inform standards planning efforts across the semiconductor innovation ecosystem and within the CHIPS R&D Office.

We encourage interested stakeholders, industry representatives, and standards developing organizations to participate actively in this pivotal event. We welcome both domestic and international participation, as fostering global collaboration and enriching the discussions on advancing semiconductor standards and innovation are paramount to success.

Join us at the CHIPS R&D Standardization Readiness Level (StRL) Workshop as we collaboratively shape the future of semiconductor and microelectronics standards, foster innovation, and advance the industry as a whole.

The CHIPS Research and Development (R&D) Office held a series of events to obtain public input from stakeholders on standards priorities for the semiconductor sector. At the inaugural CHIPS R&D Standards Summit in Washington, DC in September 2023, private sector thought leaders provided broad input on strategic priorities as detailed in the Summary Report. Some of the recommendations included exploring standards opportunities within specific technical priority areas and metrics to strengthen the link between research and standards. A series of follow-on technical workshops were held in December 2023, April 2024, and June 2024 to explore these recommendations from the Summit. Each workshop was organized by a diverse planning committee and featured a mix of presentations from experts in the field followed by interactive breakout discussion sessions. These events assembled technical experts from the semiconductor industry, academia, standards setting/development organizations (SSOs /SDOs), industry alliances, and government to discuss opportunities in the semiconductor community for the following areas:

  1. Chiplets Interfaces Technical Standards                                                  December 12-13, 2023
  2. Digital Twin Technical Standards                                                               December 14-15, 2023
  3. Semiconductor Supply Chain Trust and Assurance Data Standards              April 2-3, 2024
  4. Digital Twin Data Interoperability Standards                                                        April 4-5, 2024
  5. Standardization Readiness Level                                                                                June 4-5, 2024

In the first two workshops in December 2023, participants discussed the potential for chiplet-based architectures and digital twin applications, respectively, to drive progress in the semiconductor industry and the role of standards for enabling innovation. Two follow-on workshops were held in April 2024 to identify the data standards needed to assure secure electronics supply chains and to further refine the priorities for digital twin data interoperability standards, respectively. In the fifth workshop, participants discussed whether well-defined standardization readiness level metrics, tailored for use in semiconductor standards development, could serve as a crucial guide for determining if and when research outcomes should be integrated into voluntary industry standards activities. More complete event descriptions can be found on the web pages for each workshop (links provided above).

The first four workshops focused on identifying community standards opportunities in technical priority areas identified by industry during the Summit. During each workshop, participants debated, consolidated, and used interactive polling to upvote the top standards ideas for the technical focus area being discussed. The top standards needs identified by participants during each workshop are listed below.

1.Chiplets Interfaces Standards Needs:

  • System optimization (modeling, simulation, and testing standards)
  • Security and traceability testing standards
  • General testing and verification standards (outside of security)
  • Interconnection protocol 
  • Chiplet abstraction (e.g., process design kits (PDKs))

2. Digital Twin for Semiconductor Manufacturing Standards Needs:

  • Interoperability (data models, digital twin interfaces, digital twins communicating with other digital twins)
  • Digital twin taxonomy and definitions
  • Security (data provenance, traceability, digital thread)
  • Testing, validation, verification (reliability testing, uncertainty verification, benchmark testing, methodologies, creation of new metrics)
  • Existing standards (database of standards, analysis of standards, governance)

3. Semiconductor Supply Chain Trust and Assurance Data Standards Needs:

  • Semantic definitions, assets, and standards to support traceability and provenance of semiconductor materials and data, both in the physical and virtual space, across the entire product lifecycle.
  • Develop an updated, more accessible, parameterized database of existing supply chain trust and assurance data standards (e.g., taxonomy, matrix, graph, analytic tool, etc.).
  • More precise, scalable, and diverse methods and identifiers for traceability (this enables more credible provenance).
  • Develop an umbrella/macro-level framework for aligning standardization activities across the semiconductor supply chain.
  • Standardized format/architecture/security/automated key management/proof of authority/ identify verification and management for sustainment chains, distributed ledgers

4. Digital Twin Data Interoperability Standards Needs:

  • Develop a shared hierarchical relationship of digital twin systems (mesh/context and layers of detail/granularity/resolution). Develop a roadmap for standards [may use the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS), smart manufacturing section, as a starting point].
  • New and/or standard methods for communicating accuracy difference/uncertainty between the real event (i.e., actual metrology) and the predictions from the digital twin (i.e., virtual metrology). 
  • Clear definition of context-specific interfaces. 
  • Global, automated, cryptographic identifiers and key management infrastructure (to ensure seamless, zero trust cybersecurity for digital twins across domains).
  • Standard for tracing/attributing changes to data as it travels through the supply chain.

5. Standardization Readiness Level Framework and Scale Recommendations:

  • A consensus framework would help inform standards strategies for emerging semiconductor technologies and should be further developed.
  • An existing, notional NIST standardization readiness framework—with elements of technology, market, and community—provides a good baseline of considerations that are also applicable to semiconductor standards development.
  • The NIST framework should be expanded to include best-practices for community-building, including highlighting the role of incubators and accelerators in providing opportunities to collaborate on pre-standardization activities. 
  • A simple-to-use standardization readiness level scale would be useful for understanding and communicating the standards process and lifecycle.

Workshop participants across all five workshops also made broad recommendations for the semiconductor standards community. A summary of some of the key recommendations from the participants are provided below:

  • An alliance of standards setting and development organizations would help to guide the development of standards for the semiconductor industry. Some of the proposed activities of the alliance could include:
    • Developing and maintaining a semiconductor standards roadmap
    • Convening industry to identify priorities, inform roadmaps, form working groups, etc. 
    • Developing and maintaining standards registries
  • A critical assessment of existing standards across all major topic areas of the first four workshops (i.e., chiplets, digital twins, digital twin data interoperability, supply chain trust and assurance data) is needed to avoid duplication or siloed standards efforts. This would be assisted by having standards registries.
  • Standards education must be emphasized at all levels in the semiconductor supply chain and should serve broad audiences (e.g., technical experts, fab operators, workforce developers, finance specialists, executives, etc.)
  • The CHIPS R&D programs and institutes should consider how to support semiconductor standards development activities.

More information about each of these standards needs, recommendations, and other key findings from each workshop will be detailed in forthcoming reports that will be posted on each workshop event page. 

​​Paul Trio ​SEMI Standards 
​Alan Weber ​Cimetrix by PDF Solutions 
​Clare Allocca ​NIST 
​Barbara Goldstein ​NIST 
​Eric Simmon ​NIST 
​Mary Bedner ​CHIPS R&D Program 
​Jason Kahn ​CHIPS R&D Program​ 


DAY 1: June 4, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MDT (11:00 am - 7:00 pm EDT)

9:00 am – 9:20 am 
(11:00 am-11:20 am)
Introduction / CHIPS R&D Standards OverviewJason Kahn (CHIPS R&D)
9:20 am – 9:35 am 
(11:20 am - 11:35 am)
CHIPS for America R&D ProgramMarla Dowell (CHIPS R&D Metrology Program Director)
9:35 am – 10:05 am 
(11:35 am - 12:05 pm)

Keynotes – 

  1. How standards fuel technology innovation
  2. Standardization Readiness and its Application


  1. Barbara Goldstein (NIST)
  2. Clare Allocca (NIST)


10:05 am  – 10:50 am
(12:05 pm - 12:50 pm)
Session 1: Panel – Industry experts discuss technology considerations for informing a standardization strategy

Moderator: Alan Weber (Cimetrix by PDF Solutions)

1. James Moyne (U. of Michigan) 

2. Matt Fuller (Entegris)

3. Albert Fuchigami (PEER Group)

10:50 am – 11:00 am
(12:50 pm - 1:00 pm)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
(1:00 pm - 2:00 pm)
Breakout Session 1 – Participants discuss technology considerations for informing a standardization strategyLed by contracted facilitators 
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
(2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)
Lunch Break 
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
(3:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Session 2 – Semiconductor standardization experiences from a market perspectiveAlan Weber (Cimetrix by PDF Solutions)
1:30 pm  – 2:30 pm
(3:30 pm - 4:30 pm)
Breakout Session 2 – Participants discuss market considerations for informing a standardization strategyLed by contracted facilitators 
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
(4:30 pm - 4:45 pm)
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
(4:45 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 3: Panel – Industry experts discuss community considerations for informing a standardization strategy

Moderator: Eric Simmon (NIST)

1. Jory Burson (Joint Development Foundation)

2. Paul Trio (SEMI)

3. Daniel Gamota (Jabil)

3:30 pm  – 4:30 pm
(5:30 pm - 6:30 pm)
Breakout Session 3 – Participants discuss community considerations for informing a standardization strategyLed by contracted facilitators 
4:30 pm  – 4:45 pm
(6:30 pm - 6:45 pm)
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm
(6:45 pm - 7:00 pm)
Day 1 SummaryLed by contracted facilitators 
5:00 pm (7:00 pm)Adjourn  

DAY 2: June 5, 2024, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm MDT (11:00 am - 3:00 pm EDT)

9:00 am – 9:05 am
(11:00 am-11:05 am)
Introduction (Review agenda / logistics) Jason Kahn (CHIPS R&D)
9:05 am – 9:20 am
(11:05 am - 11:20 am)
Keynote – The Importance of Standards (and Building Blocks) for Critical and Emerging TechnologiesJeff Pettinato (Intel)
9:20 am – 9:35 am
(11:20 am-11:35 am)
Day 1 Key TakeawaysSpeakers from Day 1 sessions
9:35 am – 9:45 am
(11:35 am - 11:45 am)
Introduction to Session 4 – Standardization Readiness Lessons from the Internet, the Web, and Ethereum: A Personal Perspective

Dan Burnett (IEEE-ISTO)


9:45 am – 10:10 am
(11:45 am - 12:10 pm)
Session 4 – Applying standardization readiness elements to inform a standardization strategy and an StRL scale

1. Clare Allocca (NIST)

2. Mary Bedner (CHIPS R&D)

3. Barbara Goldstein (NIST)

10:10 am – 11:10 am
(12:10 pm - 1:10 pm)
Breakout Session 4 – Participants discuss the standardization readiness level framework based on technology, market, and community considerationsLed by contracted facilitators
11:10 am – 11:25 am
(1:10 pm - 1:25 pm)
11:25 am – 12:25 pm
(1:25 pm - 2:25 pm)
Breakout Session 5 - Participants discuss a standardization readiness level scaleLed by contracted facilitators
12:25 pm – 12:45 pm
(2:25 pm - 2:45 pm)
Workshop Summary & Discuss Next StepsLed by contracted facilitators,
Mary Bedner (CHIPS R&D) and Jason Kahn (CHIPS R&D)
12:45 pm (2:45 pm)End of workshop - adjourn 
Created April 22, 2024, Updated November 25, 2024