Program/Agenda (Printable PDF)
Monday, August 14, 2017
Time |
Item |
8:00 AM |
Arrival, Registration, Poster Set-up, Exhibitor Set-up |
9:00 AM |
Welcome: Scott Jackson NIST |
9:20 AM |
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: RITA R. COLWELL, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, University of Maryland College Park and Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health |
10:10 AM |
Jonathan Jacobs MRIGlobal |
10:35 AM |
Morning Break and Poster Viewing |
11:05 AM |
Lightning Talks (five minutes each)
11:30 AM |
Robert Schlaberg University of Utah School of Medicine |
11:55 AM |
Vikram Munikoti DHS |
12:20 PM |
Alexa McIntyre Cornell University |
12:45 PM |
Lunch (available for purchase at the NIST cafeteria) |
1:50 PM |
Lightning Talks (five minutes each)
2:10 PM |
Jason Kralj NIST The Mixed Microbial DNA Reference Material for Pathogen Detection |
2:35 PM |
Nancy Lin NIST Yeast Cells as a Candidate Reference Material to Support Training in On-Site Biological Agent Sampling and Detection |
3:00 PM |
Scott Tighe ABRF Metagenomics Research Group Technical Strategies for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing and Rapid Pathogen Detection and Bio-surveillance |
3:25 PM |
Afternoon Break and Poster Viewing |
3:55 PM |
Scott Jackson NIST Initial Results from The Metagenomic MVP Challenge: An Interlab Study Designed to Assess Bias Associated with Library Preparation Methods and NGS Platforms |
4:20 PM |
Panel Discussion |
5:20 PM |
Closing Remarks |
5:30 PM |
Adjourn |
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Time |
Item |
8:00 AM |
Arrival/Registration |
8:30 AM |
Opening Remarks |
8:40 AM |
Charles Chiu UCSF School of Medicine Control Materials for Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing Assays |
9:05 AM |
Heike Sichtig US Food and Drug Administration FDA’s Role in Building the ID NGS Diagnostic Toolkit |
9:30 AM |
Shanmuga Sozhamannan DBPAO |
9:55 AM |
Instructions for Break-out Sessions |
10:10 AM |
Morning Break and Poster Viewing |
10:40 AM |
Break-out Session 1 |
11:30 AM |
Move to next session |
11:40 AM |
Break-out Session 2 |
12:30 PM |
Lunch (available for purchase at the NIST cafeteria) |
1:30 PM |
Reports from Break-out Sessions |
3:15 PM |
Closing Remarks |
3:30 PM |
Adjourn |