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Materials used to store and distribute alternate fuels have seen an increase in corrosion due to the unique conditions caused by the presence of microbes and the chemistry of biofuels and biofuel precursors.

Participants in the workshop will delve into the unique materials and chemical challenges that occur with manufacturing, transport, and storage of alternative fuels. Specific focuses will be:

  • the changing composition of fuels and the impact of that composition on materials:
  • the influence of microbial populations on corrosion; and
  • state-of-the-art measurement technologies for monitoring material breakdown and biofilm formation.

Planning Committee

Anthony Dean, Colorado School of Mines
Dan Friend, NIST
Richard Greene, National Renewable Energy Lab
Stephanie Hooker, NIST
Elisabeth Mansfield, NIST


Organized by:

The Applied Chemicals and Materials Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Boulder, CO 80305

Day 1

8:00 - 9:00 Arrival and Registration

9:00 - 9:15

Elisabeth Mansfield, NIST

9:15 - 10:00

Keynote: Biocorrosion: How do we know?
Speaker: Gary Jenneman, ConocoPhillips 

10:00 - 10:20


10:20 - 11:05

Keynote: Biocorrosion in the Diesel Fuel Infrastructure: Impact of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Select Alternative Fuels
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Suflita
Speaker: Joseph Suflita, Univ of Oklahoma 

11:05 - 11:20

Role of Free Radical Kinetics in Biocorrosion
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Maupin
Speaker: Mark Maupin, Colo. School of Mines

11:20 - 11:35

Studies on Corrosion and Biofouling Detection and Prevention using Microelectrode Arrays
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Ren
Speaker: Jason Ren, University of Colorado

11:35 - 11:50

Corrosion of 1018 Carbon Steel in Fuel/Seawater Incubations
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Avci
Speaker: Recep Avci, Montana State University

11:50 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:45

Keynote: Refueling Infrastructure-Status of
Biofuels and Investigations

Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Moriarty
Speaker: Kris Moriarty, National Renewable
Energy Laboratory

14:45 - 15:00

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Industrial Tank Materials during Exposure to Fuel-Grade Ethanol Environments
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Sowards
Speaker: Jeff Sowards, NIST 

15:00 - 15:20


15:20 - 15:35

What's Going on Inside Today's Fuel Storage Tank?
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - GrainawiSpeaker: Lori Grainawi, Steel Tank Institute 

15:35 - 15:50

Materials Susceptibility in Contaminated Alternate Fuel
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - GoodsonSpeaker: Wendy Goodson, Air Force Research Laboratory

15:50 - 17:00

Discussion, session wrap ups


Dinner on your own

8:00 - 9:00 Registration Coffee Hour

9:00 - 9:45

Keynote: Properties of Biodiesel and Other Biogenic Fuels
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - Knothe
Speaker: Gary (Gerhard) Knothe, USDA 


Inevitable Changes in Measurements: Redefining what we mean by "fit-for-purpose"
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - BrunoSpeaker: Tom Bruno, NIST 


Overview of U.S. Biofuels Quality
Biocorrosion Workshop Presentation - AllemanSpeaker: Teresa Alleman, National Renewable 
Energy Laboratory 


Transcriptional Response and Adaptation of Bacteria to Jet Fuel
Speaker: Oscar Ruis, Air Force Research Laboratory




Lunch at NIST


Afternoon Tours at NIST (optional)

14:00 Afternoon Tours at NIST:

Hydrogen Facility - Andrew Slifka
Fuels - Tom Bruno
MIC and High Bay - Jeff Sowards and Dash Weeks
Environmental Microbiology - Danielle France and Teresa Kirschling
Imaging Facility - Ann Chiaramonti-Debay




Non-NIST employees will need to arrive approximately 30 minutes early to process through security at the entrance to the facility.

Non-US Citizens will need to contact Elisabeth Mansfield to discuss necessary credentials to enter the facility.

Created February 4, 2013, Updated June 2, 2021