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Functional Nanostructured Materials Group

We develop measurement methods, models, data, and standards for the electrical, chemical, and magnetic properties of nanostructured inorganic materials, including metals and semiconductors, related to microstructure and processing. We are experts in nanostructure fabrication, in situ processing measurements, models for process control, and microscopy for improving the performance of these materials for energy, electronics, and other applications.

Group Competence

  • Deposition and evaporation of thin films and alloys
  • Electrodeposition of metals and alloys
  • Magnetic materials characterization
  • Growth of nanowires and creation of devices
    • Gallium-nitride and wide bandgap nanowires
    • Silicon and germanium nanowires
  • Measurements for evaluation of hydrogen in materials
  • Development of microscopy methods
  • Measurements of stress in thin films

News and Updates

Projects and Programs


Operando Measurements Measurements of the structure and dynamics of metal-electrolyte interfaces are essential for understanding mechanisms of electrocatalysis and electrodeposition that are key to optimization of materials processing and utilization in wet chemical environments. Our measurement

Metrology of Magnetic Materials

Currently, the bulk of this project is focused on three main pieces: Thermal MagIC: An SI-Traceable Method for 3D Thermal Magnetic Imaging and Control Magnetic Refrigeration Magnetic Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) Thermal MagIC (MAGnetic Imaging and Control) is focused on developing new


Quantum Emitters Induced by High Pressure and UV Laser Irradiation in Multilayer GaSe

Sinto Varghese, Sichenge Wang, Bimal Neupane, Bhojraj Bhandari, Yan Jiang, Roberto Gonzalez Rodriguez, Sergiy Krylyuk, Albert Davydov, Hao Yan, Yuanxi Wang, Anupama Kaul, Jingbiao Cui, Yuankun Lin
In this work, we report on defect generation in multilayer GaSe through hydrostatic pressure quenching and UV laser irradiation. The Raman line width from the

On-chip synthesis of quasi two-dimensional semimetals from multi-layer chalcogenides

Jun Cai, Huairuo Zhang, Yuanqiu Tan, Zheng Sun, Rahul Tripathi, Peng Wu, Sergiy Krylyuk, Caleb Suhy, Jing Kong, Albert Davydov, Zhihong Chen, Joerg Appenzeller
Reducing the dimensions of materials from three to two, or quasi-two, provides a fertile platform for exploring emergent quantum phenomena and developing next

Unusually strong near-infrared photoluminescence of highly transparent bulk InSe flakes

Jamie Geng, Dehui Zhang, Inha Kim, Hyong Min Kim, Naoiki Higashitarumizu, I K M Reaz Rahman, Lam Lam, Joel W. Ager III, Albert Davydov, Sergiy Krylyuk, Ali Javey
Bulk γ-InSe has a direct bandgap of 1.24 eV, which corresponds to near infrared wavelengths (λ = 1.0 µm) useful in optoelectronic applications from biometric



An electron hologram is a fringe modulated image containing the amplitude and phase information of an electron transparent object. The HolograFREE routines
