MMTC’s contribution to RoMan's lean journey over the past 11+ years has been invaluable, enabling us to enhance operational efficiencies and compete effectively in a globalized market. This task was unique, focusing not on teaching processes but on developing a young, high-potential individual within our organization. MMTC’s connections proved to be the perfect mentor for this transformation, bridging the gap from an engineering mindset to an operational one. Moving forward we've established a blueprint and culture that nurtures the success of individuals aspiring to advance within RoMan.
RoMan recognized the need for focused leadership training, which included lean principles and practices. Through connections at Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC), part of the MEP National Network™, RoMan’s newly-promoted supervisor collaborated to establish workflow improvements; align work centers to facilitate sub-assembly flow into the primary work area; set up a sustainable pitch and work cadence; and develop standardized work procedures. This learning journey encompassed not only technical skills, but also critical leadership skills, enriching the power system division's associates and aligning their focus on key performance indicators (KPIs).