When I arrived at Marson International the first thing we did was assemble a safety committee to work on the challenges of creating a safer working environment, where the employees were actively involved in the safety process. Through the Purdue MEP instructor, we formed a safety committee to meet monthly and have slowly changed the culture to one of safety first. We are now approaching six months of recordable injury-free. This would not be possible if not for the OSHA 30-Hour training and support granted to us by Purdue University.
Purdue MEP, part of the MEP National Network™, worked with Marson International and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development to submit the grant application that would ultimately pay for the safety apprenticeship. Purdue MEP then customized an 18-week program that focused on Occupational Safety and Health development as well as some leadership and soft-skills training. One day a week for 18 weeks, a Purdue MEP team member was onsite working with the safety manager-in-training throughout the duration of the apprenticeship. The program also included an OSHA-30 Hour General Industry training for 7 employees.
The benefits of the apprenticeship program are numerous. During a 24-week time period, Marson had 0 OSHA recordable injuries, leading to 0 hours of missed work due to injuries, and 0 hours of employee time spent back-filling positions. Worker’s Compensation costs and insurance premiums have gone down and will continue to be reduced based on their 3-year rolling EMR (Experience Modification Rate).
Several employee initiatives have been enacted and well-received, including the creation of a safety committee comprised of employees from multiple departments, providing the employees with a voice in all safety initiatives. The committee works on several over-arching goals including the reduction of work-related hazards, hazard prevention and addressing any near-miss issues. The leadership team has hosted company-wide celebrations when major milestones were achieved and continues to support new initiatives.