Located in Wellford, South Carolina, StarChem is a leading manufacturer of Specialty Chemicals, the key ingredients in oilfield, textiles, nonwovens, composites, consumer care, and cleaning products. Their product portfolio incorporates 50 years of manufacturing experience of many chemistries and chemical technologies. Since 2007, the company has diversified their market presence outside of textiles to HI&I, oil and gas, personal care, and chemical intermediates.
StarChem was looking to develop a core team to create and manage an ISO compliant Quality Management System. The key to this system is proper training and understanding of the associates who build quality products using the processes and systems of the StarChem QMS. In September of 2015, ISO updated the ISO 9001:2008 quality standard to a new continuous improvement-based system, ISO 9001:2015. StarChem needed the registration to continue exporting and producing products for a more demanding client base.
If your business has stagnated and growth has become difficult, I would recommend contacting your local SCMEP representative to discuss possible strategies for identifying roadblocks preventing you from growth. SCMEP is an excellent partner in helping you identify your weaknesses and connecting you with resources to set you up for success.
SCMEP was able to provide an expert resource for training on the context of the organization, analysis of the current state, and the tools needed to develop a future state that complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. StarChem has become much more cognizant of the quality of their operations and processes to deliver higher value to all of their customers and markets.