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Additive Manufacturing Part Qualification

Objective To develop and deploy test methods and protocols, standard test artifacts, exemplar data, data processing tools, and automation tools that create robust post-process measurements and non-destructive testing to enable qualification of AM parts by manufacturers. What is the Problem? To

Advanced Dimensional Measurement Systems

New dimensional measurement technologies provide significant benefits to industry such as increasing measurement throughput, enabling new manufacturing process (such as additive manufacturing) and providing more detailed part information for manufacturing process improvement. However, before

Data Integration and Management for Additive Manufacturing

Objective Data plays the most critical role in linking AM lifecycle and value chain activities and streamlining the AM development process. While the AM data from a single build is essential for establishing part traceability, when methodically collected, the full processing history of thousands of

Diffraction Metrology and Standards

Diffraction techniques can provide data on a number of sample characteristics. Therefore, the method of certification and the artifact itself are chosen to address a specific measurement issue pertinent to a diffraction experiment. NIST diffraction SRMs may be divided into five groups: Line Position

Dimensional Measurement Services

The Dimensional Measurement Services project promotes manufacturing innovation and U.S. industrial competitiveness by providing critical technology-enabling high accuracy dimensional measurements within an internationally accepted quality system. These measurements span the dimensional metrology

SI Length and Traceability

Laser interferometry, which measures distances in terms of light wavelength, provides the backbone of top-level length metrology in industry and science. This project develops techniques to facilitate the tie between interferometer-based length measurements and the SI definition of length (in terms

Material Qualification

Objective To develop, utilize, and analyze methods of characterizing the precursor materials in additive manufacturing in both virgin and recycled states with the goal of advancing measurement science to benefit the AM community. The components of principal interest will include the rheological

Microplastic and Nanoplastic Metrology

The Micro and Nanoplastic (MNP) Metrology Project aims to develop a toolbox of methods for size-based separations from complex matrices, chemical characterization protocols, and test materials necessary to enable quantification of micro- and nano-sized plastic particles, a need articulated by our

Precursor Material Qualification

To develop, utilize, and analyze methods of characterizing the precursor materials in additive manufacturing in both virgin and recycled states with the goal of advancing measurement science to benefit the AM community. The components of principal interest will include the rheological, size

Qualification for AM Feedstocks, Machines and Processes

Objective - To develop, utilize, and analyze test methods and protocols for characterizing the feedstocks, machines, and processes in metal-based additive manufacturing to enable optimum usage and to reduce the cost and time needed for qualification. What is the Technical Idea? Qualification of AM