This documentation available from this page represents a test suite for those security requirements in the 2005 VVSG revision that have been ported from the 2007 VVSG Recommendations to the EAC. When the 2005 VVSG revision is approved by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), the test suites will be available for use by voting system testing laboratories as a common basis for testing voting systems to determine conformance to the 2005 VVSG revision.
Test suite reviewers are advised to first read and understand the 2005 VVSG revision, especially the sections relevant to the test suites under review, before reviewing the test suites. A complete version of the 2005 VVSG revsion can be found here; the first section contains an overview of what material was replaced, deleted, or added, as well where the new or replaced material is located in the 2007 VVSG Recommendations. A complete version of the 2007 VVSG Recommendations to the EAC can be found at
Please comment on the test suite by October 1, 2009 using the following list: sts-test [at] (subject: Test%20Suite%20for%20VVSG-NI%20Cryptography%20and%20Access%20Control%20Requirements) (sts-test[at]nist[dot]gov).
You may provide comments directly in your email and/or send attachments in MS-Word or PDF. If you wish, you may embed your comments within the Votetest PDF documentation using the instructions provided here. In general, please tell us the features you like and provide us with comments, corrections, and suggestions on how to improve the test suites. Please provide the following items:
All comments will be considered. After all comments have been received and incorporated into the test suites, a new version of the test suites will be posted on the NIST web site.
The Security Test Suite is as follows: