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Please see our most recent work at our Information Technology Laboratory homepage, where ITL’s Purpose IS Cultivating Trust in IT and Metrology
Many of the ITL current projects focus on large scale information discovery, use and sharing.
In the past, data was a precious and rare commodity: expensive to produce and difficult to exchange. Today, we are awash in it – with 90,000 terabytes of web-based information, an annual increment of 400,000 terabytes of e-mail, many companies increasing their web presence, large collections of scientific and sensor-based data, and an increased need for automated newswire, speech, and video analysis and translation. Novel computational approaches to data collection and analysis must be combined with improved interoperability techniques to effectively extract needed information from the wealth of available data. For key areas of national importance, the IDUS program will foster innovation throughout the information life cycle by developing the measurement infrastructure to enable scientific/knowledge discovery, widespread, seamless, and secure information exchange, and the usability of vast stores of information.