Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) Meeting
August 17, 2007, Via Teleconference
NIST Gaithersburg, Md.
Resolution # 06-07: Offered by Ron Rivest/Helen Purcell
Title: STS VVSG Sections Final Approval
The TGDC grants final approval for the Security and TransparencySections:
Part 1-Chapter 2 Section 2.7-Chapters 4-5 All-Chapter 6 Section 6.6-Chapter 7 Section 7.5.1
Part 2-Chapter 3 Section 3.5-Chapter 4 Section 4.3
Part 3-Chapter 3 Section 3.4-Chapter 4 Section 5.4
as part of its second set of VVSG recommendations to the Executive Director of the EAC, subject to editing as instructed by the TGDC at this meeting and final review by the Chair of the TGDC.
Resolution # 07-07: Offered byPaul Miller
Title: CRT VVSG Sections Final Approval
The TGDC grants final approval for the Core Requirements & Testing Sections:
Part 1-Chapters 1 and 8 All-Chapter 2 All except Section 2.7-Chapter 6 All except Section 6.6-Chapter 7 All except Section 7.5.1
Part 2-All except Chapter 3 Section 3.5 and Chapter 4 Section 4.3
Part 3-All except Sections 3.4 and 5.4
as part of its second set of VVSG recommendations to the Executive Director of the EAC, subject to editing as instructed by the TGDC at this meeting and final review by the Chair of the TGDC
Resolution # 08-07: Offered by WhitneyQuesenbery
Title: HFP VVSG Sections Final Approval
The TGDC grants final approval for the Human Factors and Privacy Sections:
Part 1, -Chapter 3 All
Part 3, - Chapter 4, Section 4.5
as part of its second set of VVSG recommendations to the Executive Director of the EAC, subject to editing as instructed by the TGDC at this meeting and final review by the Chair of the TGDC.
Resolution # 09-07: Offered by Whitney Quesenbery
Title: VVSG Document Final Approval
The TGDC grants final approval for the document "Draft Voluntary Voting System Guidelines-Next Iteration-August 7, 2007" in its entirety as the second set of VVSG recommendations to the Executive Director of the EAC, subject to editing as instructed by the TGDC at this meeting and final review by the Chair of the TGDC.
Resolution #10-07: Offered by Dr. Rivest
Title: TGDC Encouragement of Innovation
The TGDC recognizes that innovation in voting systems must take place for voting systems to become more usable, accessible, secure, reliable, and accurate for all voters and voting populations.The TGDC urges the EAC, with technical assistance from NIST, to continue to develop and publish detailed plans and specific procedures for an Innovation Class program so as to encourage innovation in voting systems and to make clear to manufacturers how they may use the Innovation Class to achieve conformance to the VVSG for their innovative products.
Resolution # 11-07: Offered by Ms. Purcell
Title: Recognition of TGDC Chair and NIST Staff
The TGDC expresses its sincere appreciation for the exemplary leadership of the Chair, Dr. William Jeffrey in the work of this Committee to meet the relevant mandates of the Help America Vote Act. The TGDC also recognizes the superior technical efforts of NIST scientists and support staff in both the drafting of the VVSG recommendations and organizing the activities of this Committee and its working Subcommittees.