Measurement of Thermal Processing Variability in Powder Bed Fusion
This paper presents preliminary analysis into the thermal processing variability experienced during the fabrication of a complex part. This paper is meant to be a foundation into analyzing thermal measurements of 3D part builds.
The Effect of Powder on Cooling Rate and Melt Pool Length Measurements Using In Situ Thermographic Techniques
This paper compares single track and multi-track scans performed on bare substrates and single powder layers in order to understand the impact of powder on the measurements.
Measurement of the Melt Pool Length During Single Scan Tracks in a Commercial Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
In this conference paper, which was also published in the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, the a method is demonstrated to measure the melt pool length of single tracks scanned on nickel alloy bare substrates resulting from different laser power and scan speed combinations. The measure in situ melt pool length can be used to validate melt-pool scale models.
Multiple Sensor Detection of Process Phenomena in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
In this conference paper, a photodetector (single point sensor as opposed to the thermal camera) was included in the system as a first attempt to correlate phenomena observed in the thermal video with signals detected by the photodector. Photodetectors are of interest to commercial entities for monitoring the build process. Because of this, select future experiments will incorporate photodetectors to provide valuable data for research into real-time monitoring techniques and data analysis.
Thermographic Measurements of the Commercial Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process at NIST
This journal article provides some of the first measurements performed with the commercial LPBF thermography system. This built the foundation on which the current work is based. Other published articles and presentations related to the initial development of the system are: