Dataset Overview
1. Summary
This document provides details on the files available in the dataset “Thermographic measurements of single and multiple scan tracks on nickel alloy 625 substrates with and without a powder layer in a commercial laser powder bed fusion process”. The data provided in this set compliments the work presented at the 2017 Solid Freeform Fabrication symposium and published in the conference proceedings [1]. A total of 4 different experiments are presented and briefly discussed in Section 2, though more detail about the experiment setup and capabilities can be found in the literature. Section 3 provides details on the files contained in the dataset.
2. Experiments
There are 4 experiments presented in this data set, as shown in Table 1. These scans are performed in a commercial EOS M270 laser powder bed fusion machine with a custom sample holder mounted on the build platform [2] and custom door [3] to allow a camera to observe the region of interest in the build area. The camera records data at 1800 frames per second and an integration time of 40 µs. The field of view (FOV) of the camera is approximately 12 mm long and 6 mm wide. The field of view of the camera is centered at the machine coordinates of X = 135.5 mm, Y = 95.0 mm. The nickel alloy 625 substrates are placed on the sample holder and in some instances, nickel alloy 625 powder is spread across the surface by hand prior to the scan. Infrared emissions from the surface of the sample are measured using an IRC912 short wave infrared camera. Additional details are provided in [1].
Table 1 - List of the experiments contained in this dataset and their case number in the associated publication [1].
Test Name |
Case # |
Brief description |
1 |
Single scan on a bare surface |
2 |
Single scan on a layer of powder |
3 |
39 consecutive scans on a bare surface |
4 |
39 consecutive scans on a powder layer |
3. Data Files
The dataset contains the following files:
4. References
These works are available to the public through
[1] J. Heigel and B. Lane, “The Effect of Powder on Cooling Rate and Melt Pool Length Measurements Using In Situ Thermographic Techniques,” in Proceedings of the 2017 Annual International SFF Symposium, 2017.
[2] J. C. Heigel and B. Lane, “Measurement of the Melt Pool Length During Single Scan Tracks in a Commercial Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process,” in Proceedings of the ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2017), Los Angeles, CA, 2017, vol. 12.
[3] B. Lane et al., “Thermographic measurements of the commercial laser powder bed fusion process at NIST,” Rapid prototyping journal, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 778–787, 2016.
[4] J. C. Heigel and B. Lane, “Measurement of the Melt Pool Length During Single Scan Tracks in a Commercial Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process,” J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 2017.
5. Appendix
The following matlab code is an example of how to read and display the testname_CameraSignal.mat and testname_RadiantTemperature.mat data:
%% Load the variables.
% These variables are named CameraSignal and RadiantTemperature
%% Determine the size of the variables (will be identical)
%% Create a figure and loop through each frame, displaying the results
% turn on the ability to pause so the user can see each frame
pause on;
% Create the figure and axis
AX=axes('Parent',F1,'Layer','top','YDir','reverse','DataAspectRatio',[3 3 3],...
'XLim',[0 width],'YLim',[0 height]); % Note that the y axis needs to be flipped to match the .mp4
hold on;
xlabel('X (pixels)');
ylabel('Y (pixels)');
% Create the colorbar
CB=colorbar('peer',AX,'eastoutside','Ticks',[550 650 750 850 950 1038],...
'TickLabels',{'< 550 \circC','650 \circC','750 \circC','850 \circC','950 \circC','1038 \circC <'});
caxis([550 1038]);
% These lines gray-out the zero values that are below the measureable range of the camera
map(1,:)=[0.8 0.8 0.8];
% Create the figure title
T=title({'Radiant temperature, frame 1'});
% Create the axis using the first frame
for f=2:frames
pause(0.5); % Impose a 0.5 s pause so the user can see the image.
RT.CData=RadiantTemperature(:,:,f); % Display the new frame
T.String(1)=strcat({'Radiant temperature, frame '},num2str(f));
pause off;