| RoboCupRescue |
AUSTRALIA | Casualty | Centre For Autnomous Systems | jpaxman [at] eng.uts.edu.au (Jonathan Paxman) | 3rd PLACE | |
AUSTRALIA | ResNUbots | University of Newcastle | rick [at] ee.newcastle.edu.au (Rick Middleton) |
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CANADA | Keystone Rescue | University of Manitoba | jacky [at] cs.umanitoba.ca (Jacky Baltes) |
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FRANCE | Mantes Explorer-2 | University of Versailles | blazevic [at] lrv.uvsq.fr (Pierre Blazevic) |
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GERMANY | Rescue Walkers | University of Bremen | malb [at] informatik.uni-bremen.de (Martin Albrecht) | ||
GERMANY | Deutschland1 | FHG-AIS/Osnabrueck/Hannover | lingeman [at] informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de (Kai Lingeman) |
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GERMANY | IUB | International University Bremen | a.birk [at] iu-bremen.de (Andreas Birk) | ||
GERMANY | RescueRobots Freiburg | University of Freiburg | kleiner [at] informatik.uni-freiburg.de (Alexander Kleiner ) | Best in Class Autonomy | |
IRAN | CEDRA | Sharif University of Technlogy | meghdari [at] sharif.edu (Ali Meghdari) |
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IRAN | MRL | Iran University of Science and Technology | shahri [at] iust.ac.ir (Ali Shahri) | ||
IRAN | Persian Gulf | I. Azad University of Tehran - Central Branch | meysam_radmanesh [at] yahoo.com (Meysam Radmanesh) | ||
IRAN | Phoenix R.T. | University of Tehran | rescuerobotics [at] engmail.ut.ac.ir (Arash Raessi ) |
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IRAN | Resquake | K.N. Toosi University of Tech. | ehsanmihankhah [at] yahoo.com (Ehsan Mihankhah ) | Innovation | |
ITALY | Alcor | Universita Di Roma "La Sapienza" | carbone [at] dis.uniroma1.it (Andrea Carbone) |
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ITALY | SPQR - Rescue | Universita Di Roma "La Sapienza" | Shahram.Bahadori [at] dis.uniroma1.it (Shahram Bahadori) |
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JAPAN | Intelligent Robot Lab | University of Tsukuba | tsubo [at] roboken.esys.tsukuba.ac.jp (Takashi Tsubouchi ) | Best in Class Mobility | |
JAPAN | NIIT-Blue | Niigata Institute of Technology | koogane [at] mce.niit.ac.jp (Prof. Oogane) | ||
JAPAN | Nutech-R | Nagaoka University of Tech. | kimura [at] mech.nagaokaut.ac.jp (Tetsuya Kimura) | Innovation | |
JAPAN | Shinobi | Univ. of Electro-Communications | nsato [at] hi.mce.uec.ac.jp (Noritaka Sato ) | Innovation | |
JAPAN | Tiny Seeker | Chukyo University | shimizu [at] sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp (Masaru Shimizu) | ||
JAPAN | Toin Pelican | Toin University of Yokohama | koyanagi [at] cc.toin.ac.jp (Eiji Koyanagi ) | 1st PLACE | |
KOREA | Roscue | Korean Institute of Science and Tech | robot [at] kist.re.kr (Woosub Lee) | 2nd PLACE | |
SWEDEN | RFC Uppsala | Uppsala University | jakob.carlstrom [at] it.uu.se (Jakob Carlstrom ) |
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THAILAND | INSE V.1 | KMIT'NB | danucha_1 [at] hotmail.com (Danucha Prasertsom ) |
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USA | Red Knight Squad | Benilde - St. Margaret's School | tjump [at] bsm-online.org (Timothy E. Jump) |