December 4-5, 2012 Gaithersburg, MD
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
| Opening Plenary Session- Welcome ~ Shyam Sunder, Director, Engineering Laboratory, NIST
- Stage-setting Presentations
- Workshop Scope and Objectives ~ Kevin Jurrens, Deputy Chief, Intelligent Systems Division, NIST
- Highlights of Prior Additive Manufacturing Roadmaps ~ Dave Bourell, Temple Foundation Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Co-Chair 2009 Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing
- ASTM F42 Strategic Framework for Additive Manufacturing Standards ~ Brent Stucker, Professor, University of Louisville, Chair of ASTM F42
- NAMII Additive Manufacturing Pilot: Priority R&D Needs ~ Gary Fleegle, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining, NAMII Acting Deputy Director for Technology Development
| Break
| Industry Panel- Moderated Session and Q&A on AM User Perspectives
- Moderator ~ Ed Herderick, EWI, Chair of Additive Manufacturing Consortium (AMC)
- Panelists ~
Agnes Klucha, Program Manager, Engineering Innovation Center, Pratt and Whitney John Hunter, Director of Marketing & Sales, Carpenter Powder Products, Inc. Dean Robinson, Manager, Model-Based Manufacturing Lab, GE Global Research Center Hank Phelps, Senior Engineer, Technology Development & Integration, Airframe Design, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
| Morning Wrap up and Instructions for Breakout Sessions - Joan Pellegrino, Energetics, Incorported
| Lunch
| After lunch, participants will move to their assigned breakouts:- AM materials
- AM processes and equipment
- Qualification & certification of materials, processes, and products
- Modeling and simulation of AM
1:00pm | Breakout Session I: Desired Capabilities for Additive Manufacturing - Envisioned future: What capabilities do we want and need the most
3:00 pm
| Break
3:20pm | Breakout Session II: Challenges and Barriers for Achieving the Capabilities- Barriers limiting the broad use of additive manufacturing
- Measurement and standards barriers, challenges, and gaps
5:00pm | Adjourn Day 1 |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
| Continental Breakfast After breakfast, participants will move to their assigned breakouts: |
| Breakout Session III: Prioritization of Challenges
- Review, clarify, and vote on the top challenges
- Determine R&D priorities
- Identify standardization priorities for ASTM F42
| Break
| Breakout Session IV: Pathways for Measurement Science Roadmap Small groups work to develop roadmap elements:
- R&D, standards, and other approaches for addressing priority challenges
- Next steps and actionable plan
11:45am | Lunch
1:00pm | Plenary Session
- Breakout Group Reports (Part 1)
1:30pm | Plenary Talk: Manufacturing the Road to Success
- Tom Kurfess, Assistant Director for Advanced Manufacturing, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President
2:00 pm
| Breakout Group Report (Part 2)
Workshop Wrap up and Next Steps |
2:30pm | Adjourn Workshop
3:00pm | Interagency Roundtable (government only)