Halon and CFC Destruction, Recovery, Recycling, and Reclamation Technologies.. Moore, T. A.; McCarson, T. D.; 1991
Halon 1301 Recycling System.. Parsons, M. L.; Meserve, W.; 1992
Membrane Vapor Separation Systems for the Recovery of Halons and CFCs.. Simmons, V. L.; Baker, R. W.; Kaschemekat, J.; Wijmans, J. G.; 1992
NASA's Approach to Halon Issues.. Maynard, M. J.; 1992
ASTM Emergency Standard, ES-24, Specification for Halon 1301, Bromotrifluoromethane (CF3Br). Verdonik, D. P.; 1993
Halon Recovery and Reclaim Technology From the View Point of the Installer/Distributor.. Krabbe, G. A.; 1994
Perfluorohexane Clean Extinguishing Agent for Streaming and Local Application systems.. Pignato, J. A., Jr.; Ruffing, J. F.; 1994
Developing a Comprehensive Halon Recovery Program in the United States.. Gilfillan, C.; 1995
Halon Recovery Campaign: Working at the Community Level to Accelerate the Phase-Out of Halons.. Gilfillan, C.; Eisman, R. C.; 1996
Catalytic Coupling of Halon 1301 With Methane Over CuZSM5 Zeolite.. Li, K.; Kennedy, E. M.; Dlugogorski, B. Z.; 1998
Problems of Phaseout and Regeneration of Halons in Russia.. Belevtsev, J. G.; Kunina, L. N.; 1998
Promoting Recovery of Halons in the New England Region: A Partnership Between Environmentalists and the Fire Protection Community.. Gilfillan, C.; Suhr, K.; 1998
Five-Year Experience of Halon 2402 Reclaming.. Belevtsev, E. G.; Kunina, L. N.; 2001