We invite you to become a sponsor for the 36th Quest for Excellence® Conference, which will be held March 30–April 2, 2025. Learn what types of sponsorship opportunities are available for your organization. Please contact jracette [at] baldrigefoundation.org (Josh Racette) for more information.
The Baldrige Foundation offers multiple sponsorship options that yield two important outcomes—raising awareness for your organization and providing tangible support for the Baldrige Program. All sponsorships are visible and appreciated.
We are expecting as many as 1000 attendees at the Quest Conference. Our attendees, who represent the business, education, government, health care, nonprofit and cyber sectors have all demonstrated their interest in organizational improvement and personal learning.
The conference will showcase the Award Recipients’ best practices, while leveraging the many benefits that a conference platform affords. We are truly excited about the sponsorship opportunities. Contact Josh Racette for more information and to keep up-to-date on developing sponsorship opportunities.
Josh Racette
jracette [at] baldrigefoundation.org (jracette[at]baldrigefoundation[dot]org)
Sponsor Registration: Now Open
Registration Deadline: February 7, 2025
Sponsorship Listing, Logo and URL Submission: Due upon registration
Quest Conference Program Ad Deadline: February 7, 2025
Foundation Awards Program Ad Deadline: February 7, 2025
Quest Conference Ad Specs and Logo Download: www.nist.gov/baldrige/quest-sponsorship-ad-specs-and-logo
Quest Sponsorship Listing, Logo and URL Submission: jracette [at] baldrigefoundation.org (jracette[at]baldrigefoundation[dot]org)
Foundation Awards Program Ad Submission: jracette [at] baldrigefoundation.org (jracette[at]baldrigefoundation[dot]org)
The Quest for Excellence® is supported by registration fees and the generous contributions of our conference sponsors. No federal funds are used to support the conference or associated events.
The Baldrige Foundation does not manage, oversee, or influence the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award® administered by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program®.
The Baldrige Program extends a sincere thank you to Baldrige Foundation donors and the 36th Quest for Excellence Conference® sponsors (listed below). Sponsor support helps to defray conference costs and make Quest a better conference experience for all attendees.
The Baldrige Foundation thanks the following Members of the Mac Baldrige Society for their generous contributions as Trustees of the Institute for Performance Excellence.