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NIST in Delaware


in financial awards from NIST to organizations in the state of Delaware since 2021

Biotechnology, life sciences and health care

  • The NIST-sponsored National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), headquartered in Newark, Delaware, is dedicated to accelerating innovation in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, helping the industry adopt and implement new technologies, and building a well-trained workforce. In 2021, NIST renewed its investment of $70 million in NIIMBL for another five years. In 2023, NIST provided over $11 million in funding to NIIMBL, which drew an additional $20.9 million in matching funds from members.
  • Since FY 2022, NIST has helped the University of Delaware modernize and enhance its biopharmaceutical manufacturing and gene therapy production with $15.25 million in grants. 
  • NIST reference materials help the biotechnology industry with quantitative analytical measurement tools for nucleic acids, proteins, metabolites and cell systems so that manufacturers can monitor and improve manufacturing methods and products — and innovate more quickly.
  • NIST’s guidance on temperature control for vaccine storage has reduced waste by 30%, so more doses are available for more people. NIST’s calibration materials for magnetic resonance imaging help medical researchers develop quantitative tests that can rapidly determine if treatments for glioblastoma and other cancers are working, speeding clinical decisions.
  • NIST provides near real-time identification of illicit street drugs submitted by state partners, including Delaware. Reports on trends in detected drugs along with never-before-seen substances are released to the public monthly.

Advanced manufacturing

NIST supports Delaware’s $3 billion chemical industry with a wide variety of products and services. 

  • NIST reference materials and calibrations help manufacturers check the purity or composition of gases and other raw materials and comply with environmental regulations. 
  • The NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center produces data libraries that speed chemical identification and quality control for the chemical manufacturing sector and many other industry sectors. This data is so widely trusted that it is packaged with nearly every mass spectrometer sold. 
  • The NIST ThermoData Engine is used by chemical companies around the world. It provides thermophysical properties for industrially important fluids and fluid mixtures so that chemical plants can optimize production processes through computer modeling, without running expensive full-size experiments. 
  • Delaware manufacturers rely on NIST products and services to check the purity of materials and gases, the efficiency of production processes, and the quality of products made with advanced manufacturing methods. For example, our Nanofabrication Facility gives researchers from industry and academia access to state-of-the-art fabrication and measurement tools with applications to nanoelectronics, photonics, microelectromechanical systems and nano-biotechnology.
  • Since FY 2020, Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership, part of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, has received over $3.8 million in federal funds from NIST — which has driven an additional $3.1 million in nonfederal investments — to help Delaware manufacturers stay competitive in a global economy.

Delaware MEP supported companies such as Advanced Materials Technology and Miles Scientific with product line efficiency, workforce training, and quality standard certifications. For example, Delaware MEP’s assistance resulted in $1.2 million in retained sales for Miles Scientific.

Financial services

  • NIST supports Delaware’s financial sector with highly regarded standards and guidelines for IT security. NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence collaborates with financial services industry experts and technology vendors on best practices and standards that mitigate cybersecurity and privacy risks.
  • NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standards are designed to withstand the attack of a future quantum computer. They can secure a wide range of electronic information, from confidential email messages to e-commerce transactions.
  • NIST’s time service, based on the world’s most accurate atomic clock, ensures accurate timestamps on electronic trades that often occur just microseconds apart, preventing stock market fraud and manipulation.

Food and agriculture

  • NIST’s library of reference materials helps to ensure that foods grown or eaten in the U.S. are safe from contaminants and allergens that could cause illness to consumers. Delaware companies also rely on NIST reference materials to check their test methods and help them comply with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act.  
  • NIST develops and updates inspection procedures and trains state regulatory officials on how to verify the net contents of packaged foods to protect consumers and businesses and ensure fair trading for grocery stores, restaurants and customers.

MEP Success Stories

DEMEP Assists Company That Helps Protect Children

Reported Year
The production floor was disorganized and inefficient, occupying excessive floor space. SUMURI LLC needed its operations to flow more smoothly to meet customer deadlines effectively. Additionally, improvements were needed in information systems, inventory management, manufacturing processes, customer relations management, and technical support.

DEMEP and Advanced Materials Technology Partner for ISO9001 Readiness

Reported Year
AMT is a small company founded by scientists. It has emerged as a HPLC technology leader in the pharmaceutical/bio-pharmaceutical; food and beverage; and environmental/industrial market segments. To support continued growth and to meet customer requirements, AMT identified the need for advanced training to support improvement to standard work

Zacros America Continues to Grow

Reported Year
Four of the ten highest produced SKUs in Zacros were not profitable or marginally profitable with current processing. Zacros produces on seven production lines, six of which use one methodology for packaging forming and one that is unique. The unique line produces the same type of material with a 33% faster cycle time. Production and engineering

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Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers

Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers

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