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Search Publications by: James(Trey) Porto (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 92

Quadrature amplitude modulation for electronic side and Pound-Drever-Hall locking

September 13, 2024
Juntian Tu, Alessandro Restelli, Tsz-Chun Tsui, Kevin Weber, Ian Spielman, James(Trey) Porto, Steven Rolston, Sarthak Subhankar
The Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique is routinely used to stabilize the frequency of a free-running laser to an ultralow expansion (ULE) reference cavity. The electronic sideband (ESB) locking scheme—a variant of the standard PDH locking scheme—helps

Dynamical Formation of Prethermal BEC in Floquet Engineered Lattice

June 3, 2024
James Maslek, Carlos Alberto Bracamontes Palma, James Porto
We experimentally realise an effective Hamiltonian with a continuously adjustable staggered gauge field for weakly interacting bosons in an optical lattice. Periodic driving realises a staggered $\Phi$-flux model, where $\Phi$ can be continuously tuned

Tunable three-body loss in a nonlinear Rydberg medium

May 5, 2021
James(Trey) Porto, Alexey Gorshkov, Michael Gullans, D. Ornelas-Huerta, Przemyslaw Bienias, A. Craddock, A. Hachtel, Marcin Kalinowski, Mary Lyon, Steven L. Rolston
Long-range Rydberg interactions, in combination with electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT), give rise to strongly interacting photons where the strength, sign, and form of the interactions are widely tunable and controllable. Such control can be

Coherent optical nano-tweezers for ultra-cold atoms

July 7, 2020
Przemek Bienias, Sarthak Subhankar, Yang Wang, Tsz-Chun Tsui, Fred Jendrzejewski, Tobias Tiecke, Gediminas Juzeliunas, Liang Jiang, Steven Rolston, James V. Porto, Alexey Gorshkov

Realization of a stroboscopic optical lattice for cold atoms with subwavelength spacing

June 9, 2020
TC Tsui, Yang Wang, Sarthak Subhankar, James V. Porto, Steve Rolston
Optical lattices are typically created via the ac-Stark shift, which are limited by diffraction to periodicities ≥ λ/2, where λ is the wavelength of light used to create them. Lattices with smaller periodicities may be useful for many-body physics with

Quantum interference between photons from an atomic ensemble and a remote atomic ion

November 18, 2019
A. Craddock, J. Hannegan, D. Ornelas-Huerta, J. Siverns, A. Hachtel, E. Goldschmidt, James V. Porto, Q. Quraishi, S. Rolston
Many remote-entanglement protocols rely on the generation and interference of photons produced by nodes within a quantum network. Quantum networks based on heterogeneous nodes provide a versatile platform by utilizing the complimentary strengths of the

Microcontroller based scanning transfer cavity lock with environmental compensation

April 22, 2019
Sarthak Subhankar, Alessandro Restelli, Yang Wang, Steve Rolston, James V. Porto
We present a compact, cost-effective, and all-digital implementation of a scanning transfer cavity lock (STCL) for long term laser frequency stabilization. An interrupt-based, event-centric state machine is employed to realize the STCL, with the capability

Nanoscale Atomic Density Microscopy

April 1, 2019
Sarthak Subhankar, Yang Wang, Tsz-Chun Tsui, Steven Rolston, James V. Porto
Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms typically create atomic wavefunctions with structure at optical length scales, where direct imaging suffers from the diffraction limit. In analogy to advances in optical microscopy for biological applications, we

Optical lattice with torus topology

September 26, 2018
Hwanmun Kim, Guanyu Zhu, James V. Porto, Mohammad Hafezi
We propose an experimental scheme to construct an optical lattice where the atoms are confined to the surface of a torus. This construction can be realized with spatially shaped laser beams which could be realized with recently developed high resolution

Bose Condensation of Photons Thermalized via Laser Cooling of Atoms

August 31, 2018
Chiao Wang, Michael Gullans, James V. Porto, William D. Phillips, Jacob Taylor
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a quantum phase of matter achieved at low temperatures.Photons, one of the most prominent species of bosons, do not typically condense due to the lackof a particle number-conservation. We recently described a photon

Photon thermalization via laser cooling of atoms

July 19, 2018
Chiao-Hsuan Wang, Michael Gullans, James V. Porto, William D. Phillips, Jacob Taylor
The cooling of atomic motion by scattered light enables a wide variety of technological and scientific explorations. Here we focus on laser cooling from the perspective of the light — specifi- cally, the scattering of light between different optical modes

A low-steering piezo-driven mirror

July 18, 2018
Eric Magnan, James Maslek, Carlos Bracamontes-Palma, Alessandro Restelli, Thomas Boulier, James V. Porto
We present a piezo-driven translatable mirror with excellent pointing stability, capable of driving at frequencies up to tens of kilohertz. Our system uses a tripod of piezo actuators with independently controllable drive voltages, where the ratios of the

Dark state optical lattice with sub-wavelength spatial structure

February 20, 2018
Sarthak Subhankar, Tsz-Chun Tsui, James V. Porto, Steve Rolston, Przemek Bienias, Alexey Gorshkov, Mateusz Lacki, Michael Baranov, Peter Zoller
We report on the experimental realization of a conservative optical lattice for cold atoms with sub-wavelength spatial structure. The potential is based on the nonlinear optical response of three- level atoms in laser-dressed dark states, which is not

Spontaneous avalanche dephasing in large Rydberg ensembles

November 13, 2017
Thomas L. Boulier, Eric Magnan, Carlos Bracamontes, James Maslek, Elizabeth Goldschmidt, Jeremey Young, Alexey Gorshkov, Steven Rolston, James V. Porto
Strong dipole-exchange interactions due to spontaneously produced contaminant states can trigger rapid dephasing in many-body Rydberg ensembles [E. Goldschmidt et al., PRL 116, 113001 (2016)]. Such broadening has serious implications for many proposals to

Quantum and Classical Dynamics of BEC in a Large-Period Optical Lattice

April 4, 2016
Ian B. Spielman, Johnny H. Huckans, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra, James V. Porto, William D. Phillips
We experimentally investigate diffraction of a ^u87 Rb Bose-Einstein Condensate from a 1D optical lattice. We use a range of lattice periods and timescales, including those beyond the Raman-Nath limit. We compare the results to quantum mechanical and

Anomalous broadening in driven dissipative Rydberg systems

March 16, 2016
Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, Thomas L. Boulier, Roger C. Brown, Silvio B. Koller, Jeremy T. Young, Alexey V. Gorshkov, S L. Rolston, James V. Porto
We observe interaction-induced broadening of the two-photon 5s-18s transition in 87Rb atoms trapped in a 3D optical lattice. The measured linewidth increases by nearly two orders of magnitude with increasing atomic density and excitation strength, with

Degenerate Bose-Fermi mixtures of rubidium and ytterbium

October 5, 2015
James V. Porto, Varun Vaidya, Jiraphat Tiamsuphat, Steven Rolston
We report the first realization of a quantum degenerate mixture of bosonic $^{87}$Rb and fermionic $^{171}$Yb atoms in a hybrid optical dipole trap with a tunable, species-dependent trapping potential. $^{87}$Rb is shown to be a viable refrigerant for the

Superexchange mediated magnetization dynamics in a 2D checkerboard optical lattice

May 1, 2015
Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, Roger C. Brown, Silvio B. Koller, Michael S. Foss-Feig, James V. Porto, Robert Wyllie
The interplay of spin and motion underlies some of the most intriguing and poorly understood behaviors in many-body quantum systems. A well known example is the onset of superconductivity in cuprate compounds when mobile holes are introduced into an