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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 211

Perfil da linha de base principal de IoT para produtos de IoT para consumidores

January 27, 2025
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Paul Watrobski, Jeffrey Marron, Barbara Cuthill
Portuguese Translation of NIST IR 8425: Esta publicação documenta o perfil do consumidor da linha de base principal da Internet das Coisas (IoT) do NIST e identifica os recursos de segurança cibernética normalmente necessários para o setor de IoT do

Perfil del nucleo basico de IoT para productos IoT de consumo

January 27, 2025
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Paul Watrobski, Jeffrey Marron, Barbara Cuthill
Esta publicación documenta el perfil del consumidor del núcleo básico de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) del NIST e identifica las capacidades de ciberseguridad comúnmente necesarias para el sector de IoT del consumidor (es decir, productos IoT para uso

Profil der IoT-Referenzgrundlage fur Verbraucher-IoT-Produkte

January 27, 2025
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Paul Watrobski, Jeffrey Marron, Barbara Cuthill
German Translation of NIST IR 8425: Diese Veröffentlichung dokumentiert das Verbraucherprofil der IoT-Referenzgrundlage für Verbraucher-IoT-Produkte (Internet of Things (IoT), Internet der Dinge) und identifiziert Cybersicherheitsfähigkeiten, die für den

Profil du noyau de base de l'IdO pour les produits IdO grand public

January 27, 2025
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Paul Watrobski, Jeffrey Marron, Barbara Cuthill
French Translation of NIST IR 8425: Cette publication documente le profil du consommateur de la base de référence de l'Internet des objets (IdO) du NIST et identifie les capacités de cybersécurité généralement nécessaires pour le secteur de l'IdO grand

C-V2X Interoperability Testing Datasets: Description and Use

November 22, 2024
Eugene Song, Davide Pesavento, YaShian Li-Baboud
This paper introduces a set of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) datasets collected at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Internet of Thing (IoT) Devices Interoperability Testbed. These datasets can be used to display, analyze

NIST Cybersecurity For IoT Program

November 19, 2024
Katerina Megas, Barbara Cuthill, Michael Fagan, Paul Watrobski
This article explains the NIST Cybersecurity for IoT Program, and the body of work it produces.

Base de referencia de las capacidades de apoyo no tecnicas del IoT

October 30, 2024
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Jeffrey Marron, Kevin Brady, Barbara Cuthill, Rebecca Herold
Las capacidades de apoyo no técnicas son acciones que realiza un fabricante o una organización de terceros en apoyo de la seguridad cibernética de un dispositivo de Internet de las cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta publicación define una línea

Base Principal da Capacidade de Suporte Nao Tecnico da IoT

October 30, 2024
Katerina Megas, Michael Fagan, Jeffrey Marron, Kevin Brady, Barbara Cuthill, Rebbecca Herold
Recursos de suporte não técnicos são ações que um fabricante ou organização terceirizada executa em apoio à segurança cibernética de um dispositivo IoT. Esta publicação define a base principal de recursos de suporte não técnico dos fabricantes de

Recommended Cybersecurity Requirements for Consumer-Grade Router Products

September 10, 2024
Michael Fagan, Katerina Megas, Paul Watrobski, Jeffrey Marron, Barbara Bell Cuthill, David Lemire, Brad Hoehn, Christopher Evans
Ensuring the security of routers is crucial for safeguarding not only individuals' data but also the integrity and availability of entire networks. With the increasing prevalence of smart home IoT devices and remote work setups, the significance of

Feature Description for Assessing Autonomous Vehicle Performance

September 9, 2024
Edward Griffor, Hadhoum Hajjaj, Thoshitha Gamage, Thomas Roth, Wenqi Guo
This technical report presents a structured methodology for describing and assessing auto-mated vehicle (AV) features, with a focus on ensuring consistent and reproducible testing across various scenarios. The document delineates a systematic approach to

An Overarching Quality Evaluation Framework for Additive Manufacturing Digital Twin

September 2, 2024
Yan Lu, Zhuo Yang, Shengyen Li, Yaoyao Fiona Zhao, Jiarui Xie, Mutahar Safdar, Hyunwoong Ko
The key differentiation of digital twins from existing models-based engineering approaches lies in the continuous synchronization between physical and virtual twins through data exchange. The success of digital twins, whether operated automatically or with

Laboratory-Based Reference Channels for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Device Measurements

July 3, 2024
Joshua Kast, Paritosh Manurkar, Sudantha Perera, Mohamed Hany, Rob Horansky, Rick Candell, Kate Remley, Matt Simons
Industrial and consumer wireless devices increasingly make use of millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies to meet increasing requirements for bandwidth, device density, and latency. The complex propagation environment and design of phased-array antennas pose

Fiscal Year 2023 Cybersecurity and Privacy Annual Report

May 20, 2024
Patrick D. O'Reilly, Kristina Rigopoulos
During Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023) – from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023 –the NIST Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Cybersecurity and Privacy Program successfully responded to numerous challenges and opportunities in security and privacy

Facilitating Stakeholder Communication around AI-Enabled Systems and Business Processes

November 21, 2023
Edward Griffor, Matthew Bundas, Chasity Nadeau, Jeannine Shantz, Thanh Nguyen, Marcello Balduccini, Tran Son
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often critical to the success of modern business processes. Leveraging it, however, is non-trivial. A major hurdle is communication: discussing system requirements among stakeholders with different backgrounds and goals

Wireless Channel Characterization for UWB Communication in Capsule Endoscopy

August 30, 2023
Katjana Ladic, Kamran Sayrafian, Dina Simunic, Kamya Yazdandoost
Since its invention in the early 1990s the technology behind capsule endoscopy has been making rapid progress. The emergence of high-resolution miniature video cameras along with other microsensor technology have increased the data rate and power

Smart Home Device Loss of Support: Consumer Perspectives and Preferences

July 23, 2023
Julie Haney, Susanne M. Furman
Unsupported smart home devices can pose serious safety and security issues for consumers. However, unpatched and vulnerable devices may remain connected because consumers may not be alerted that their devices are no longer supported or do not understand
Displaying 1 - 25 of 211