Priority order of key areas recommended for standards and metrics development. Reprinted with permission from the authors.
With the rapid growth of the global bioeconomy, there is a growing sense of urgency in leveraging standards and metrics to ensure safety, speed innovation, and support policies and legislation at the national and international stage. A joint Task Force on Engineering Biology Metrics and Technical Standards for the Global Bioeconomy was convened with experts from the US, Europe, and Asia to identify regional priorities and opportunities for setting open, voluntary standards to enable scale-up and innovation across the bioeconomy. This international collaboration was led by members of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC), Imperial College London, and the National University of Singapore (NUS) and supported by Schmidt Sciences. Stakeholders from the Americas, Asia and Australia, and Europe and Africa, came together through a series of regional workshops in Washington D.C., Singapore, and Brussels, respectively, to identify specific areas for development, both technical and non-technical towards continued scale-up and economic growth across the bioeconomy. Regional discussions were summarized in three workshop reports drafted in collaboration with stakeholders and peer-reviewed by workshop participants. A fourth and final report summarizing the consensus on the future role of role of standards and metrics in accelerating the global bioeconomy was recently published and is available for download at
Freemont, P.S., Ni, C., Aurand, E., Chang, M.W., Hook-Barnard, I., Malley, J., Romantseva, E., Strychalski, E., Vavitsas, K. 2024. Engineering Biology Metrics and Technical Standards for the Global Bioeconomy. London, UK.