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Triatomic Spectral Database, Rotational and Centrifugal Distortion Constants for F2O

Rotational and Centrifugal Distortion Constants for 19F216O

NOTE: Reanalysis was carried out with new unpublished millimeter measurements by F.J. Lovas and R.D. Suenram. The analysis is discussed in Appendix 2 and the new measurements are listed in Table A.2.2.

Watson's Determinable Parameters Present Analysis a [MHz] Derived Parameters (assuming planarity conditions)
A 58 782.6832(151) A 58 782.655(15)
B 10 896.3521(30) B 10 896.418(3)
C 9 167.373 74(255) C 9 167.422(3)
τ1 0.174 809(1681) τbbcc -0.055 68(9)
τ2 -0.011 7994(2618) τccaa 0.1329(5)
τ3 b 2.590(5) τaabb 0.0976(12)
τaaaa -6.651 478(1426) τaabb (1) 0.4165(7)
τbbbb -0.092 781 32(10292) τaabb (2) 0.4044(6)
τcccc -0.036 7054(701) τaabb (3) 0.4044(6)
HJ (0.591 37 ± 0.22) x 10-7 τabab (1) -0.158 95(27)
HJK (0.4706 ± 0.38) x 10-6 τabab (2) -0.148 45(41)
HKJ -0.222 90(836) x 10-4 τabab (3) -0.146 83(44)
HK 0.176 68(978) x 10-3 Δτ -0.355(11) x 10-3
hJ c 0.2282(461) x 10-7    
hJK 0.1664(665) x 10-5    
hK (0.565 ± 17.2) x 10-6    
Std. dev. 0.066    
No. lines fit 108    


a The uncertainties quoted are one standard deviation as estimated by the least-squares fit. The number of significant figures quoted are necessary to reproduce the calculated transition frequencies within their standard deviation.


b Strictly speaking, τ3 is not a determinable parameter, but is calculated from τ1, τ2, τaaaa, and τbbbb using the planarity conditions.

c Watson uses 2hJ for this parameter.



Rotational Constants for the Excited Vibrational States of F2O.

Vib. State υ1υ2υ3 [MHz] [MHz] [MHz] Ref.
1  0  0    59 213.58(100) 10 824.35(50) 9 128.09(50) 66019
1  0  0 a 58 744.08(100) 10 830.66(50) 9 160.23(50)
0  1  0    59 481.65(100) 10 854.07(50) 9 114.13(50)
0  2  0  59 711.17(100) 10 818.01(50) 9 092.99(50)
0  0  1  58 197.62(100) 10 826.87(50) 9 052.16(50)

a Corrected for the effect of υ1 - 2υ2 Fermi resonance.



Zeeman Constants, Spin-Rotation Constants Electric Dipole Moment of F2O.

Parameter Value Ref.
Zeeman constants:
gaa (µN) -0.213(5) [69027]
gbb (µN) -0.058(2)
gcc (µN) -0.068(2)
2χaa - χbb - χcc a -8.8(14)
χbb - χaa - χcc a -4.4(7)
Spin-rotation constants:
Maa (kHz) -42(1) [65011]
Mbb (kHz) -22(1)
Mcc (kHz) -49(1)
Electric dipole moment:
µb [C · m]
     µb [D]
0.991(17) x 10-30 

a These are magnetic susceptibility constants.


Sensor Science Division

Created May 25, 2018, Updated February 19, 2025