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Jared Wahlstrand (Fed)

Jared Wahlstrand's research interests are primarily in time-resolved optical spectroscopy for characterization of materials. His group is building up capabilities for conventional time-resolved optical methods, such as transient absorption, time-resolved fluorescence, and 2D coherent spectroscopy, and in parallel developing new techniques based on nonlinear coherent control. He is also interested in measurements of the nonlinear optical response in materials that may someday be used in all-optical devices.

Wahlstrand has a diverse background in nonlinear optics. He worked on impulsive stimulated Raman scattering as a graduate student at the University of Michigan. As a postdoc at JILA/University of Colorado, he studied bichromatic coherent control and multiphoton electroabsorption and performed quantitative experiments of mode-locked laser dynamics. As a research scientist at the University of Maryland, he investigated fundamental and applied nonlinear optics in gases, including precise time-resolved measurements of the nonlinear refractive index and studies of effects that impact the propagation of ultrashort pulses in the atmosphere, such as laser-driven thermal and acoustic effects and spatiotemporal optical vortices.


Two-beam coupling by a hot electron nonlinearity

Jagannath Paul, Mario Miscuglio, Yaliang Gui, Volker Sorger, Jared Wahlstrand
Transparent conductive oxides such as indium tin oxide (ITO) have attracted much recent interest for their enhanced optical nonlinearity near the epsilon near
Created October 29, 2018, Updated December 9, 2022