Gregory F. Strouse is the Associate Director for Measurement Services of the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He is a Fellow of the Washington Academy of Science. As part of PML headquarters, he directs the measurement services for PML (>90% of NIST) and oversees all calibration services at NIST. He is a member of the NIST assessment review board (ARB) responsible for ensuring the assessments of the NIST Quality System for all calibration services. He is a member of the Executive Leadership Team within the PML.
At NIST as a physicist since 1988, his areas of expertise include the thermodynamic areas of temperature, humidity, pressure, and vacuum. His efforts in these metrology areas significantly impact international work. His current research interests include NIST on a Chip embedded sensors, cold-chain management for vaccines, dynamic pressure sensors and standards, Johnson noise thermometry, acoustic gas thermometry, realization of the Boltzmann constant, photonic pressure standards and sensors, and development of alternative thermometers. He is recognized as a world‐leading expert in temperature measurement and the realization and dissemination of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS‐90). His efforts in the calibration metrology areas include the design and development of several new world-class facilities including the standard platinum resistance thermometer calibration laboratory, thermocouple calibration laboratory, industrial thermometer calibration laboratory, hybrid humidity calibration laboratory, automated vacuum calibration service and piston gauges. Additionally, he is a NVLAP technical and lead assessor.
His committee and conference memberships includes: International Temperature Symposium on Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry: General Program Chair (2012), Technical Editor (2002), and Associate Editor (1992); IMEKO International Programme Committee TEMPMEKO (2007 to present); Consultative Committee on Thermometry (CCT), Delegate (2008 to present); CCT Working Group 8 (WG8): Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, Chair (2004 to present); CCT WG 7: Key Comparisons (2004 to present); CCT WG 1: Defining fixed points and interpolating nist-equations of the ITS‐90 and the dissemination of the kelvin (2011 to present); CCT WG S: Strategy, Chair, (2011 to 2014); NIST Assessment Review Board (2004‐2005; 2012 to present); SIM Metrology Working 3: Temperature, Chair (2001 to 2010); IMEKO TC12 – Temperature and Thermal Measurements (2015); and NCSLI Liaison (2015).
His awards include:
Washington Academy of Science Physical Sciences (2015): In recognition of his international leadership in high-precision temperature metrology, and his innovative contribution to next-generation temperature sensors
NIST Judson C. French (2013): For creating internationally accepted NVLAP proficiency test program that enables U.S. industry to compete in the global marketplace (w/ S. Bruce, M. Chojnacky, K. Garrity, and D. Olson)
DoC Silver Medal (2011): For solving vaccine cold‐chain management problems that were rendering nearly two‐thirds of CDC's vaccine stock ineffective (w/ M. Chojnacky)
NIST Safety (2011): For leadership and lasting impact in the campaign to eliminate neurotoxic mercury thermometers from the workplace (w/ C. Cross, W. Miller, and D. Ripple)
NIST Bronze Medal (2004): For determining the errors in the ITS‐90 within the industrially significant range from 273 K to 505 K and providing the foundation for a future temperature scale, (w/ D. Ripple)
NIST Bronze Medal (2002): For the exceptional leadership in the dissemination of temperature measurements and standards to U.S. industry and establishing international compatibility NIST Measurement Services Award (1994): For work in developing a Standard Reference Material that assists U.S. manufacturers through improved capability in realizing the International Temperature Scale of 1990
NIST Allen V. Astin Measurement Science (1994): For producing the internationally recognized reference functions for all standard thermocouples (w/ G. Burns, C. Croarkin, W. Guthrie, and M. Kaeser). Mr. Strouse has over 100 publications, over 50 talks, taught a dozen technical courses, and mentored ten guest researchers from other NMIs. He has a U.S. Patent Pending (2015): Photonic pressure standard (w/ P. Egan, J. Hendricks, D. Olson, J. Ricker, G. Scace, and J. Stone); U.S. Patent Pending (2013): Photonic thermometer using ring resonators (w/ Z. Ahmed, J. Taylor, and S. Semancik); and one U.S. Patent (2012): Dielectric resonator thermometer and a method of using the same (w/ M. Moldover and D. Ripple), Patent No. US 8,123,399 B2