Toys and items brought from home have a tendency to cause problems. We recognize, however, that children spend a great deal of time here, and that they sometimes enjoy sharing items brought from home. If your child wants to bring in a toy from home, please adhere to the following procedures. Do not send in any items of great sentimental or monetary value. We cannot be responsible for breakage or loss. Although we do our best to supervise the use of toys, sometimes things do happen! Some rooms have specific share days; please check with your child's teachers to be sure of their room policy. Children are encouraged to bring in a variety of items other than toys, particularly books, tapes, CD's, and photographs. Age appropriate, G-Rated videos, no longer than 30 minutes, may be shared on inclement weather days when outside play is not possible. The use of short videos is at the discretion of the teacher. Toy guns or weapons are never allowed. Please be sure to label all toys.