NIST PML's Themodynamic Metrology Group hosts NIST CCC Kindergartners.The event featured demonstrations of pressure, vacuum, and temperature measurements and how they impact our everyday lives. The visit was part of a kindergarten program that works to spark STEM interest in young minds through real-life science laboratory experiences. Here, the class shows off gloves inflated with carbon dioxide sublimated off dry ice. Cool!
The Center Director will hold an annual informational meeting to introduce parents to our kindergarten program. The meeting will be scheduled no later than March 31 each year. A three-week priority registration is offered to children currently enrolled in the NIST CCC. Registration for children not currently enrolled at the NIST CCC follows the announced priority registration period. If the number of children that are registered (including both currently enrolled and waiting list) at the end of the initial three-week registration period exceeds the number of available vacancies, then a lottery will be used to rank order these requests; otherwise, vacancies for the new school year will be filled on a first applied, first served basis.
The lottery proceeds as follows. The names of all age-eligible children from Category "A" are placed in a hat and withdrawn one at a time. As each name is drawn, it is recorded on a list in the order withdrawn. The lottery process is repeated for age-eligible children from Category "B", with the names being added below those children from Category "A". The process is repeated for children from category "C", and then finally by children from category "D". Vacancies for the new school year are offered based on the lottery's rank ordering. Once the new school year begins, however, any new vacancies that become available are filled based on the priority category and registration date criteria described above.
The CCC offers a Summer Camp program based on two-week sessions, and depending on the calendar year, a possible one-week session. The Summer Camp offers a variety of activities developed around weekly themes to include arts and crafts, games, photo journals, indoor/outdoor play, to an array of field trips or bi-weekly visits to our local financial institution to discuss the principles of a savings account. Registration and participation in the Summer Camp session(s) is on a first applied, first served basis. Specific information regarding Summer Camp program registration is published in December of each year. Parents of children not currently enrolled, but have interest in the Summer Camp program, should contact the Center to be put on a list for the camp information/brochure. Tuition is based on each session. A separate "activity fee" for each session is required at the time of registration to pay for special program materials and entrance fees for trips.
The CCC offers Before/After school care for children currently enrolled in our Kindergarten program, as well as students enrolled at Diamond Elementary School. Montgomery County Public Schools provide pick-up/drop-off bus service to and from the NIST CCC. Alternatively, families could make arrangements to drop-off children after school, until the CCC closes. Registration and participation for this program follows Center wait list procedures. Contact the CCC Director for participation in this program.