We work and play hard at the NIST CCC. Please help your child "dress for success" by selecting comfortable, washable clothing for your child to wear in school. Elastic waistbands are best for pants. All children want to feel comfortable and free to climb and run, to paint and build, to exercise their muscles and imaginations. Dress your child so he/she can become self-sufficient in dressing. Please avoid one piece outfits, such as overalls or "onesies" for younger children.
Climbing, running, biking, and digging are just a few of the activities that your children will participate in when playing outside. Sneakers are recommended for outside play. It is important that your child's shoes protect the top of the foot, have good gripping action, and have laces or Velcro that securely hold the shoe on the child's foot.
The children will be going outside every day, weather permitting. Please send outdoor wear appropriate to the season, including hats and mittens, snow pants and boots. Label all clothing items. Please purchase a pair of snow boots that is large enough for the child to put on him/herself. Children are required to wear tight fitting water/pool shoes that will stay on the child's feet as they run through sprinklers on summer Sprinkler Days. Open toe shoes/sandals, flip flops, clogs or resin footwear are not acceptable for the safety of your children.
A child who rides a two-wheel bike must wear a helmet. He/she will not be permitted to ride unless it is worn. Bike accidents have been known to cause serious head and neck injury. Your child's safety is always our primary concern.
We do not want to curtail the children's involvement with the outdoors and their opportunities to develop their physical skills. We do, however, want to take all the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Your support in complying with these requests is greatly appreciated.
Change of ClothesEach child must have a complete change of clothing at school, including socks and underwear. For children under 3 years of age, we request two sets of clothing. Please be sure the clothes are appropriate for the season. Extra clothes should be checked monthly to be sure they still fit. Children should also bring in a small blanket, (crib size is best) and a small pillow, if they choose. All items should be clearly labeled with your child's name.