WRITTEN PERMISSION is required by a parent in order to administer medication to a child. Only prescription medication can be given, and at least one dose of the medication must be given to the child at home in case of an allergic reaction. No over-the-counter medicines will be administered unless a note is provided by the doctor with specific instructions. All medicine to be administered at the Center must be in the original container bearing the child's name, the medication, the dosage, the time and duration it is to be given. Each medicine container must include the written instructions for dispensing. Parents should provide a medicine spoon for their child, if needed. The only exception to this policy is sunscreen, diaper ointment, and insect repellant. These may be administered by the staff with a parent signature on the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care, Medication Authorization Form. Please arrange for medication to be given at lunchtime, if at all possible. No Tylenol, aspirin, eye or ear drops, or ointments can be given. All unused medicine will be returned to the parent/legal guardian after 10 days.
Children who must take medicine on an ongoing basis for longer than 10 days or who need to have medicine available in case of an emergency, must have a doctor's written permission for the Center to administer the medicine. Please make sure your child's teacher is aware that medication must be administered. A form must be filled out authorizing a staff member to give the medicine. All medicine must be given to a staff person, who in turn will put it in a lock box in the classroom or refrigerator.
Please consider asking your child's physician to prescribe medications which can be administered by you at home. The Center is a busy place, and while our staff is very conscientious, we do forget things from time to time. Please try to arrange to have all medication given at home to prevent a missed dose of medication when possible.
See also: Illness