It is the policy of the NIST CCC to progress children through the Center's classrooms using the child's date of birth as the sole criterion. The Center Director will issue a survey in the spring of each year to determine enrollment and class assignments for the upcoming school year with the most readily available information, which is subject to change depending on individual circumstances. Parents should understand that enrollment at the Center is fluid and that circumstances may prevent a child from getting into a desired classroom. However, the Center's curriculum and space is flexible enough to accommodate the age ranges that may be placed in any one classroom, depending on enrollment.
The majority of children will progress to the next age appropriate class as the "new school year" begins on the Monday in late August or early September, which coincides with the first week of school for Montgomery County Public Schools.
Transitions can happen at other times of the year when space becomes available. We strive to keep primary care groups together, but cannot guarantee that all children will stay together throughout the years due to space availability. We also cannot guarantee a space as soon as your child is chronologically ready to move into the twos or preschool programs. Fees are associated to the room your child is assigned, and not for the chronological age.
As your child ages, the child to teacher ratio increases in each classroom. There is always an oldest and a youngest in each classroom. Each classroom is able to meet the needs of the oldest and the youngest members of the group because our program works with the children as individuals.