In the March 2012 unveiling of the BIG DATA Initiative, Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, indicated that this new initiative promises to transform our ability to use BIG DATA for scientific discovery, environmental and biomedical research, education, and national security.
In response, NIST, in collaboration with the NSF Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity Research (CHMPR) is convening a BIG DATA workshop, aimed at exploring:
State-of-the-art core technologies needed to collect, store, preserve, manage, analyze, and share BIG DATA that could benefit from standardization
Potential measurements to ensure the accuracy and robustness of methods that harness these technologies
In this first workshop, key national priority topics will be explored, including examples from science, health, disaster management, security, and finance. At the same time, topics in emerging technology areas, including analytics and architectures will also be discussed.
Update - Presentation Slides Available Below
Currently available presentation slides are available for download as PDFs via the links contained within the following agenda summary.
June 13, 2012
- Dr. Ashit Talukder, NIST
- Mary Brady, NIST
Session 1: Data & Algorithms
- Ian Foster, Argonne National Lab - Big process for big data: Process automation for data-driven science
- Michael Stonebraker, SciDB - Big Data Means at Least Three Different Things
- Neal Ziring, NSA
Session 2: Analytics I
- Mike Franklin, UC Berkeley
- Kirk Borne, George Mason University - The Tonnabytes Big Data Challenge: Transforming Science and Education
- Milton Halem, CHMPR
Big Data Programs Panel
- Bob Grossman, Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology
- Harry Greenspun, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions
- Jack Jones, Booz-Allen
June 14, 2012
- Peter Highnam, IARPA
- Howard Wactlar, NSF - Big Data R&D Initiative
- Tsengdar Lee, NASA - From Data Curation to Data Analytics: A Big Data Experiment in NASA Earth Science
- Lucy Nowell, DOE
- Peter Lyster, NIH
- Frederica Darema, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Chris White, DARPA
- Daniel Starosta, NOAA - Data Processing , Product Generation and Distribution at the NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Session 4: Big Data Platforms
- Artur Barczyk, CalTech - LHC Data Analytics
- Arie Shoshani, DOE Data Initiative - Big Data in Scientific Domains
- Peter Fox, Virtual Observatory - The Role of Virtual Observatories and Data Frameworks in an Era of Big Data
- Peter Bajcsy, NIST - Grand Challenges of Measurement Sciences with Big Data
- Dennis Gannon, Microsoft - Sustaining Big Data
- Joseph Hellerstein, Google
- Mark Ryland, Amazon
- Charles Kaminski, LexisNexis - HPCC Systems
- Ed Pednault, IBM - Big Data Platforms, Tools, and Research at IBM
- Robert Stackowiak, Oracle - An Integrated Big Data & Analytics Infrastructure
The final BIG DATA workshop agenda is available.
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