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Additive Manufacturing Part Qualification

Objective To develop and deploy test methods and protocols, standard test artifacts, exemplar data, data processing tools, and automation tools that create robust post-process measurements and non-destructive testing to enable qualification of AM parts by manufacturers. What is the Problem? To

International System of Units (SI)

Members of the Fundamental Constants Data Center (FCDC) participate in meetings of the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU) which advises the International Committee for Weights and Measures on matters concerning the SI. The latest meeting of the CCU, held at the BIPM in June of 2013 was attended

Material Qualification

Objective To develop, utilize, and analyze methods of characterizing the precursor materials in additive manufacturing in both virgin and recycled states with the goal of advancing measurement science to benefit the AM community. The components of principal interest will include the rheological

National Metrology Systems: A Framework for Global Trade

The OIML D1 "National metrology systems - Developing the institutional and legislative framework" is just that legislative framework designed to promote sound legal metrology infrastructure and build a modern (and thriving) economy. OWM’s Ralph Richter played a key role in developing the current

NIST Mise en Pratique of the New Kilogram Definition

Realization Since the redefinition of the kilogram, the Mass and Force Group has been intricately involved with the NIST realization of mass via the Kibble balance. By maintaining traceability to the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK) via the 2019 calibration of NIST National Prototype K20, the

NIST OWM – NCWM: An Enduring Partnership for Over 100 Years

The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) was first held as the “First Annual Meeting of Sealers of Weights and Measures of the United States” in 1905 and as part of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), which was the predecessor non-regulatory agency to the National Institute of

Precision Electro-Mechanical Experiments (PREME)

NIST-4 Kibble Balance Previously called ‘the Electronic Kilogram’ Project, a major component of PREME is the realization of SI unit of mass, the kilogram, using the NIST-4 Kibble balance, the fourth generation of Kibble balances at NIST. This is accomplished through a high-accuracy comparison of

Precursor Material Qualification

To develop, utilize, and analyze methods of characterizing the precursor materials in additive manufacturing in both virgin and recycled states with the goal of advancing measurement science to benefit the AM community. The components of principal interest will include the rheological, size

Qualification for AM Feedstocks, Machines and Processes

Objective - To develop, utilize, and analyze test methods and protocols for characterizing the feedstocks, machines, and processes in metal-based additive manufacturing to enable optimum usage and to reduce the cost and time needed for qualification. What is the Technical Idea? Qualification of AM

Uniform Unit Pricing: Tools for Consumers to Fight Shrinkflation

What is Shrinkflation? Many consumers across the U.S. are increasingly aware of the decreasing quantity for many of the products that they regularly purchase and consume. This concept is know as product downsizing or “s hrinkflation”, a term used to describe how a consumer product is sold at the