Visualization for Access to Documents
- Cugini, Laskowski, Piatko, "Document Clustering in Concept Space: The NIST Information Retrieval Visualization Engine (NIRVE)", CODATA Euro-American Workshop on Visualization of Information and Data, Paris, France, June 1997. See:
- Cugini, Piatko, Laskowski, "Interactive 3D Visualization for Document Retrieval", Proceedings of the Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation , ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '96), November 1996. See:
- Grinstein, Hoffman, Laskowski, Pickett, "Benchmark development for the evaluation of visualization for data mining". To appear in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes on Issues in the Integration of Data Mining and Data Visualization.
- Miller, Sebrechts, Vasilakis, Cugini, Laskowski, "Preliminary task analysis of a 3D information visualization tool: implications for interface design". Submitted to CHI99 Computer Human Interaction Conference.
- Sebrechts, Miller, Vasilakis, Cugini, Laskowski, "Visualization of Search Results: A Comparative Evaluation of text, 2d, and 3d interfaces". Submitted to SIGIR99 Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference.
DARPA Intelligent Collaboration and Visualization
- Computer-Suppported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 98 Workshop on Methodologies for Evaluation organized by Scholtz, Damianos, Greenbert, Kozierok.
- Damianos, Greenberg, Hirschman, Kozierok, Kurtz, Laskowski, Scholtz, Walls, "Evaluation for Collaborative Systems", To appear in ACM Surveys Special Issue on Intelligent Collaboration and Visualization.
Usability Engineering and WebMetrics
- Scholtz, Cugini, "Using Visualizations for Web Usability Data", Submitted to CHI99, Computer Human Interaction Conference.
- Cugini, Banks, "A Simple and Powerful Heuristic for Speeding Up Force-directed Graph Layout", Submitted to SIGGRAPH99.
- McCoy, Laskowski, "Usability Issues of Computer Interfaces for Cognitively Disabled Users", To be published as a NIST Internal Report.
- McCoy, Laskowski, "Fitt's Law: An Adequate Model for Cognitively Disabled Users", Submitted to CHI99, Computer Human Interaction Conference.
- Downey, Laskowski, Buie, Hefley, "Usability Engineering 2: Measurement and Methods", ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, April, 1998, Volume 30, Number 2.
- Scholtz, "WebMetrics: A Methodology for Producing Usable Web Sites", Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference, 1998
- Scholtz, "Kiosk-Based User Testing of Online Books", Proceedings of the SIGDOC98 (Special Interest Group on Documentation) Conference
- Scholtz, Downey, "Methods for Identifying Usability Problems with Web Sites", Proceedings of the 1998 IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction
- Scholtz, Laskowski, Downey, "Developing Usability Tools and Techniques for Designing and Testing Web Site", Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Human Factors and the Web, 1998.
- Downey, Laskowski, Buie, Hartson, "1996 Symposium Report Usability Engineering: Industry-Government Collaboration for System Effectiveness and Efficiency", ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, October 1996, Volume 28, Number 4, pp. 66-67.
- Butler, Wichansky, Morse, Laskowski, Scholtz, "Quantifying Usabillity: The Industry USability Reporting Project", Proceedings of the Conference on Universal Usability, April 18, 2001.
- Laskowski, Morse, "The Common Industry Format (CIF) is Now an ANSI/INCITS Standard", Proceedings of the Usability Professionals' Association Eleventh Annual Conference, July 8-12, 2002, Orlando FL.
- Scholtz, Morse, "A New Usability Standard and What It Means to You", ACM SIGCHI Bulletin -- A supplement to Interactions, May 2002, pages 10-11.
- Scholtz, Morse, "A Standard Reporting Format for Summative Usability Evaluations", Interactions.
Visualization and Virtual Reality for Manufacturing
- Sandy Ressler, Afzal Godil, Qiming Wang, and Gregory Seidman, "VRML Integration Methodology for Manufacturing Applications". To appear in Proceeding of VRML99, Paderborn Germany Feb 26, 1999.
- Sandy Ressler and Qiming Wang, "Making VRML Accessible for People with Disabilities". Proceedings of ACM ASSETS 98, Marina del Ray California, April 15-17, 1998.
- Sandy Ressler and Qiming Wang, "Integrating Factory Floor and Human Simulation in a Portable Web-Based Environment". Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society European Chapter 1997, Bochum Germany, Nov 6-8, 1997.
- Qiming Wang and Sandy Ressler, "Translating IGRIP Workcells into VRML2", NISTIR 6076, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 1997.
- Sandy Ressler, Qiming Wang, Scott Bodarky, Charles Sheppard, and Gregory Seidman, "Using VRML to Access Manufacturing Data" Proceedings of Second Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML97), Monterey, CA, Feb 26, 1997.
- Sandy Ressler, "Approaches Using Virtual Environments with Mosaic", Proceedings of Second International WWW (WWW94) Conference, October 1994.
- Sandy Ressler, Qiming Wang A Web3D Based CAESAR Viewer in Proceedings of CARS 2002 - H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier; K. Inamura, A.G. Farman, K. Doi & J.H.C. Reiber (Editors) ÓCARS/Springer.
- Sandy Ressler, A Web-based 3D Glossary for Anthropometric Landmarks, Proceedings of HCI International 2001, New Orleans, LA, August 5-10, 2001.
- Sandy Ressler, Brian Antonishek, Qiming Wang, Afzal Godil Integrating Active Tangible Devices with a Synthetic Environment for Collaborative Engineering, Proceedings of Web3D 2001 Symposium, Paderborn Germany, Feb. 2001.
- Sandy Ressler, Brian Antonishek, Qiming Wang, Afzal Godil, Keith Stouffer, When Worlds Collide - Interactions between the Virtual and the Real Proceedings on 15th Twente Workshop on Language Technology; Interactions in Virtual Worlds, Enschede, The Netherlands, May 19-21, 1999.
- Qiming Wang, Bonita Saunders, Interactive 3D Visualization of Methematical Functions Using VRML NISTIR 6289.
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