Simulation of a 4-blade vane propeller to determine the rheological properties of mortars.
CREME (Concrete Rheology: Enabling Metrology) is a consortium between NIST and the industry to meet research needs that were identified and prioritized during a workshop held at NIST "Measurement Science Roadmap for Workability of Cementitious Materials" in 2011. After further discussion with the workshop participants, a research goal was selected: predicting and defining pumpability or a pumpable concrete. The consortium first year was 2013.
Some background: The proposed consortium goal would include determining key rheological parameters that best characterize the pumpability of grouts (to be extrapolated to concrete with the help of the consortium members). The major deliverables would include test methods and models to measure and predict the performance of fresh cement based materials in the lab and at the construction site. To move these ideas into practice and to engage industry, test bed facilities and quality control test methods for the field would be developed at NIST.
The CREME consortium is supervised and administered by NIST. Consortium planning, research and development would be conducted by NIST staff in collaboration with at least one technical representative from each participating member company. Contact us for further details if you are interested in joining.
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Choi M., Ferraris C.F., Martys N.S., Bui V.K., Hamilton H.R.T., Lootens D., "Research Needs to Advance Concrete Pumping Technology" , NIST Technical note TN 1866 (31 pages) 2015
Workshop summary report 2011 (TN 1704) "Measurement Science Roadmap for Workability of Cementitious Materials"
Liard M., Martys N.S., George W.L, Lootens D., Hébraud P., "Scaling Laws for the flow of Generalized Newtonian Suspensions" J. of Rheology 58, p 1993 (2014)