Tuesday June 14 - Thursday June 16, 2022
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
Over the past few years our suite of 30 ground robot test methods have been adopted widely across the U.S. and internationally to support purchasing and training. We are now expanding our efforts to develop test methods for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) defined by the FAA as under 25kg (55lbs) and for underwater remotely operated vehicles for hazardous environments.
Remotely operated robots enable emergency responders to perform extremely hazardous tasks from safer stand-off distances. Standard test methods help robot manufacturers and users objectively evaluate system capabilities to align with mission requirements. This improves the safety and effectiveness of emergency responders as they attempt to save lives and protect property in our communities.
The ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications: Response Robots (E54.09) is developing the standards infrastructure necessary to inspire innovation, inform purchasing decisions, and focus training with measures of operator proficiency. Adam Jacoff from NIST’s Intelligent Systems Division chairs the sub-committee with his team of robotics researchers and collaborators from all over the world. The standards committee is made up of robot manufacturers, emergency responders, test administrators, program managers, and others interested in developing the underlying measurement science necessary to quantitatively evaluate and compare robotic system capabilities and operator proficiencies.
This effort has been sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate, Capability Development Support Group, Office of Standards. They along with other sponsors have facilitated these standards committee meetings and associated test method validation exercises for nearly fifty test methods for ground, aerial, and aquatic systems.
The objective of this meeting of the ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications, Sub-Committee on Response Robots (E54.09) is to provide an update on each working group’s effort with an emphasis on getting the existing test methods to ballot. Draft standards and prototype apparatus designs will be reviewed by manufacturers and others. Topics will include recent test method validation exercises, robot purchases, competitions, training events, and new collaborating test facilities around the world.
Presentation Slides from the Meeting
Will be posted after the meeting.
Registration is not required.
AGENDA FOR ONLINE ONLY MEETING. Although some sub-committees are meeting in person in Seattle, our meeting will be hosted online to reduce travel and include more people worldwide. E54.09 will hold Committee Meetings by WebEX.
Join or transfer to our new sub-committee on Response Robots (E54.09) here:
If you were a member of the Operational Equipment (E54.08) sub-committee, you are not automatically a member of the new Response Robots (E54.09) sub-committee. So please go online and either shift or add your affiliation to our new sub-committee. You do not need to give up your position on any other sub-committee if your interests remain.
June 14, 2022 (Tuesday) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
Dial: 1-877-668-4490
Meeting Code: 2630 575 9349
- Committee Business: Agenda, Minutes, Membership, Ballots, Deadlines
- Recent Events and Use Cases:
- Eastern National Robot Rodeo, Indianhead, MD (2021.07)
- NATO SCI-342 Committee on Dexterity for C-IED/EOD
- Texas Response Robot Summit, Burnet, TX (2022.03)
- European Land Robot Trails (ELROB), Eggendorf, Austria (2022.05)
- UMass-Lowell NERVE Center Update on Ground Robot Mapping
- Korea Institute of Robot & Convergence (KIRO) Update
- Maneuvering Tests (Forward/Reverse Driving):
- Sustain Speed on a Line
- Center Between Objects
- Align Ground Contacts with Parallel Rails
- Cross Gaps
- Traverse Inclines
- Negotiate Leaning Obstacles
- Mobility Terrain Tests (Figure-8s, Zig-Zag Paths, and Crossover Slopes)
- Continuous Ramps
- Crossing Ramps
- K-rails (new)
- Sand
- Gravel
- Stepfields
- Reconfigurable Crate Terrains for legged robots – 30 cm (12 in) steps
- Reconfigurable Pallet Terrains for autonomous robots – positive & negative obstacles
- Mobility Obstacle Tests (Variable Dimensions to Increase Difficulty):
- Variable Height Diagonal Rail (New)
- Variable Incline Driving Orientations (AKA Incline Plane or Wagon Wheel)
- Variable Elevation Hurdles with Rolling Edges (AKA Hurdles)
- Variable Angle Stairs with Landings (New variable angle design)
- Manipulator Dexterity Classification Tests (Incremental Reaches and Elevations):
- Inspect (Non-Contact) Tasks: Linear and Omni
- Insert/Extract Tool Tasks: Linear and Omni
- Manipulator Strength Tests:
- Grasp, Stow, and Place
- Grasp and Drag
- Grasp and Roll
- C-IED/EOD Tests:
- Turn Omnidirectional Doorknobs
- Open Push/Pull Doors
- Push E-Stop Buttons
- Break Glass
- Bore Panels
- Cut Ropes/Chain/Rebar
- Place MWB Disruptor
- X-Ray Dice
- Situational Awareness Tests:
- Search Tasks in Maze with Complex Flooring
- Mapping (2D&3D) in Maze with Complex Flooring
- UMass-Lowell NERVE Center Update on Indoor Mapping
- Sensing Tests:
- Visual/Thermal Acuity
- Camera Pointing and Zooming
- Color Acuity
- Motion Detection
- Audio Acuity (2-way)
- Latency
- Proximity Sampling
- Radio Comms Tests:
- Line-of-sight range
- Non-line-of-sight range
- Attenuated range from within armored personnel carriers
- Logistics:
- Configuration Identification
- Cache Packaging and Set Up Time
June 15, 2022 (Wednesday) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
Dial: 1-877-668-4490
Meeting Code: 2631 028 5961
- Committee Business: Agenda, Minutes, Membership, Ballots, Deadlines.
- Recent/Upcoming Events:
- Texas Response Robot Summit, Reveille Peak Robot Test Facility, TX (March 2022)
- Law Enforcement Drone Association (LEDA), Dallas, TX (April 2022)
- DroneResponders Fly-in at AUVSI, Orlando, FL (April 2022)
- NIST Triple Challenge Fly-in at Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS (June 2022)
- UTAC Conference, Guardian Centers, GA (Oct. 2022)
- Use Cases
- FAA Safety Team webinar with certificate of completion
- APSA Proctor Courses (Basic, Open/Obsrtucted)
- Texas Dept. of Public Safety statewide credentialing
- Colorado Dept. of Public Safety statewide credentialing
- Civil Air Patrol nationwide credentialing
- DHS Border Patrol (Innovation and Training)
- Embry-Riddle University
- Simulated test lanes
- Open Test Lane:
- Overview
- Related scenarios with embedded scoring
- Obstructed Test Lane:
- Overview
- Related scenarios with embedded scoring
- Confined Test Lane:
- Overview
- Related scenarios with embedded scoring
- UMass-Lowell NERVE Center Update on Indoor Mapping
- Sensing Tests:
- Camera Pointing and Zooming
- Visual/Thermal Acuity
- Color Acuity
- Motion Detection,
- Video/Control Latency
- Noise
- Radio Comms Tests:
- Line-of-Sight Range
- Non-Line-of-Sight Range
- Attenuated Range (from inside an armored personnel carrier)
- Logistics Tests:
- Configuration Identification
- Cache Packaging and Set Up Time
- Other Tests:
- Deliver Package
- Rain Tolerance
- Lights and Sounds
- Impact Forces (Drop Test)
June 16, 2022 (Thursday) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
- Committee Business: Agenda, Minutes, Membership, Ballots, Deadlines.
- Recent/Upcoming Events:
- Texas Response Robot Summit, Reveille Peak Robot Test Facility, TX (March 2022)
- Canadian Test Facility Opening, Toronto, Ontario Canada (Oct. 2022)
- Maneuvering:
- Bollard Thrust
- Hold Position and Orientation in Turbulence
- Manipulator Dexterity Classification Tests:
- Inspect (Non-Contact) Tasks: C-Frame
- Insert/Extract Tools: C-Frame
- Manipulator Strength:
- C-IED/EOD Tasks:
- Hook Secondary Line
- Graps Soft Objects
- Cut Ropes/Chain/Rebar
- Break Glass
- Affix disruptor
- Sensing:
- Sonar Acuity
- Visual Acuity
- Color acuity
- Logistics:
- Configuration Identification
- Cache Packaging and Set Up Time
In addition to ASTM staff, you can visit RobotTestMethods.nist.gov and/or email RobotTestMethod [at] nist.gov (RobotTestMethod[at]nist[dot]gov).