Open-source or pre-print copies of the following publications may be found at
Process Monitoring, Scan Strategy, and Controls
- Yeung H, Kim FH, Donmez MA, Neira J (2022) Keyhole pores reduction in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of nickel alloy 625. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 183:103957.
- Yang Z, Adnan M, Lu Y, Cheng F-T, Yang H-C, Perisic M, Ndiaye Y (2022) Investigating statistical correlation between multi-modality in-situ monitoring data for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (IEEE, Mexico City, Mexico), pp 283–290.
- Kim FH, Yeung H, Garboczi EJ (2021) Characterizing the effects of laser control in laser powder bed fusion on near-surface pore formation via combined analysis of in-situ melt pool monitoring and X-ray computed tomography☆. Additive Manufacturing 48:102372.
- Yang Z, Lane B, Lu Y, Yeung H, Kim J, Ndiaye Y, Krishnamurty S (2022) Using coaxial melt pool monitoring image to estimate cooling rates for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME, Saint Louis, MO).
- Yang Z, Kim J, Lu Y, Yeung H, Lane B, Jones A, Ndiaye Y (2022) A multimodal data-driven fusion method or process monitoring in metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. ASME International Additive Manufacturing Conference (Lisbon, Portugal).
- Sato MM, Wong VWH, Kincho HL, Yeung H, Yang Z, Lane B, Witherell P (2022) Anomaly detection of laser powder bed fusion melt pool images. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME, Saint Louis, MO).
- Lane B, Yeung H, Yang Z (2022) Statistical and Spatio-temporal Data Features in Melt Pool Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2022 IISE Annual Conference (Seattle, WA).
- Guo S, Guo W “Grace’’, Bain L (2020) Hierarchical spatial-temporal modeling and monitoring of melt pool evolution in laser-based additive manufacturing. IISE Transactions 52(9):977–997.
- Yang Z, Lu Y, Lane B, Kim J, Ndiaye Y, Krishnamruty S (2021) Analyzing remelting conditions based on in-situ melt pool data fusion for overhang building in powder bed fusion process. (University of Texas at Austin).
- Yeung H, Chen J, Yang G, Guo Y, Lin D, Tan W, Weaver J (2021) Effect of spiral scan strategy on microstructure for additively manufactured stainless steel 17–4. Manufacturing Letters 29:1–4.
- Fathizadan S, Ju F, Lu Y (2021) Deep representation learning for process variation management in laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 42:101961.
- Yang Z, Lu Y, Li S, Li J, Ndiaye Y, Yang H, Krishnamurty S (2021) In-process data fusion for process monitoring and control of metal additive manufacturing. (American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection).
- Yang H, Zhang S, Lu Y, Witherell P, Kumara S (2022) Spatiotemporal monitoring of melt-pool variations in metal-based additive manufacturing. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7(3):8249–8256.
- Feng SC, Lu Y, Jones AT, Yang Z (2022) Additive manufacturing in situ and ex situ geometric data registration. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 22(6).
- Carraturo M, Lane B, Yeung H, Kollmannsberger S, Reali A, Auricchio F (2020) Numerical Evaluation of Advanced Laser Control Strategies Influence on Residual Stresses for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Systems. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.
- Lane B, Zhirnov I, Mekhontsev S, Grantham S, Ricker R, Rauniyar S, Chou K (2020) Transient Laser Energy Absorption, Co-axial Melt Pool Monitoring, and Relationship to Melt Pool Morphology. Additive Manufacturing 36:101504.
- Yeung H, Yang Z, Yan L (2020) A Meltpool Prediction Based Scan Strategy for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing:101383.
- Lu Y, Yang Z, Kim J, Cho H, Yeung H (2020) Camera-based coaxial melt pool monitoring data registration for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expo (ASME, Portland, OR).
- Yeung H, Lane B and Fox J 2019 Part geometry and conduction-based laser power control for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing Additive Manufacturing 30 100844
- Yang Z, Lu Y, Yeung H and Krishnamurty S 2019 From scan strategy to melt pool prediction: a neighboring-effect modeling method ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection)
- Yang Z, Lu Y, Yeung H and Krishnamurty S 2019 Investigation of deep learning for real-time melt pool classification in additive manufacturing 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) pp 640–7
- Yeung H, Lane B M, Donmez M A, Fox J C and Neira J 2018 Implementation of Advanced Laser Control Strategies for Powder Bed Fusion Systems Procedia Manufacturing 26 871–9
- Yeung H, Lane B, Fox J, Kim F, Heigel J and Neira J 2017 Continuous laser scan strategy for faster build speeds in laser powder bed fusion system Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Austin, TX) pp 1423–31
- Yeung H, Neira J, Lane B, Fox J and Lopez F 2016 Laser path planning and power control strategies for powder bed fusion systems Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Austin, TX) pp 113–27
Thermometry, Underlying Physics, and Reference Data
- Naderi M, Weaver J, Deisenroth D, Iyyer N, McCauley R (2022) On the Fidelity of the Scaling Laws for Melt Pool Depth Analysis During Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.
- Weaver JS, Heigel JC, Lane BM (2022) Laser spot size and scaling laws for laser beam additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 73:26–39.
- Deisenroth DC, Mekhontsev S, Lane B, Hanssen L, Zhirnov I, Khromchenko V, Grantham S, Cardenas-Garcia D, Donmez A (2021) Measurement uncertainty of surface temperature distributions for laser powder bed fusion processes. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 126:126013.
- Deisenroth DC, Mekhontsev S and Lane B 2020 Measurement of mass loss, absorbed energy, and time-resolved reflected power for laser powder bed fusion Laser 3D Manufacturing VII Laser 3D Manufacturing VII vol 11271 (International Society for Optics and Photonics) p 112710L
- Lane B, Heigel J, Ricker R, Zhirnov I, Khromschenko V, Weaver J, Phan T, Stoudt M, Mekhontsev S and Levine L 2020 Measurements of melt pool geometry and cooling rates of individual laser traces on IN625 bare plates Integr Mater Manuf Innov
- Ricker R E, Heigel J C, Lane B M, Zhirnov I and Levine L E 2019 Topographic measurement of individual laser tracks in alloy 625 bare plates Integr Mater Manuf Innov
- Lane B and Yeung H 2019 Process Monitoring Dataset from the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT): “Three-Dimensional Scan Strategies”. Journal of Research of NIST 124;124033
- Zhirnov I, Bura N, Mekhontsev S, Lane B and Grantham S 2020 Accurate determination of laser spot position during laser powder bed fusion process thermography Manufacturing Letters
- Fox J C, Lane B M and Yeung H 2017 Measurement of process dynamics through coaxially aligned high speed near-infrared imaging in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing Proc. SPIE 10214, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIX vol 10214 (Anaheim, CA) pp 1021407-1021407–17
- Fisher B A, Lane B, Yeung H and Beuth J 2018 Toward determining melt pool quality metrics via coaxial monitoring in laser powder bed fusion Manufacturing Letters 15 119–21
System Design, Developments, and Characterization
- H. Yeung, S. Grantham, Laser calibration for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process, in: Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX, 2022. .
- Deisenroth, David C., Neira J, Weaver J, Yeung H (2020) Effects of shield gas flow on meltpool variability and signature in scanned laser melting. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (Cincinnati, OH, USA), p 11.
- Lane B, Jacquemetton L, Piltch M, Beckett D (2020) Thermal Calibration of Commercial Melt Pool Monitoring Sensors on a Laser Powder Bed Fusion System. ADvanced Manufacturing Series. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), AMS 100-35. Available at
- Lane B, Moylan S, Neira J, Chavez-Chao J (2020) Quasi-static position calibration of the galvanometer scanner on the additive manufacturing metrology testbed. NIST Technical Note (TN) 2099. (Gaithersburg, MD). Available at
- Yeung H, Lane BM, Donmez MA, Moylan S (2020) In-situ calibration of laser/galvo scanning system using dimensional reference artefacts. CIRP Annals, p 4.
- Zhirnov I, Yadroitsev I, Lane B, Mekhontsev S, Grantham S and Yadroitsava I 2019 Influence of optical system operation on stability of single tracks in selective laser melting. NIST Advanced Manufacturing Series, NIST AMS 100-27 (Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- Vlasea M L, Lane B, Lopez F, Mekhontsev S and Donmez A 2015 Development of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing test bed for enhanced real-time process control Proceedings of the International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Austin, TX) pp 13–5
- Lane B M, Grantham S, Yeung H, Zarobila C and Fox J 2017 Performance characterization of process monitoring sensors on the nist additive manufacturing metrology testbed Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Austin, TX) pp 1279-1288
- Lane B, Mekhontsev S, Grantham S, Vlasea M, Whiting J, Yeung H, Fox J, Zarobila C, Neira J and McGlauflin M 2016 Design, developments, and results from the NIST additive manufacturing metrology testbed (AMMT) Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Austin, TX) pp 1145–60
- Grantham S, Lane B, Neira J, Mekhontsev S, Vlasea M and Hanssen L 2016 Optical design and initial results from NIST’s AMMT/TEMPS facility Laser 3D Manufacturing III SPIE LASE vol 9738 (San Francisco, CA: International Society for Optics and Photonics) p 97380S