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NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program

Enriching college curricula to raise awareness of the role of standards and standardization in science, technology, engineering, math, law, public policy, business, and other related or multi-disciplinary fields.

The Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program (SCO CD CAP) is seeking eligible applicants to develop and incorporate undergraduate and/or graduate level curricula on documentary standards, standards development, and standardization information and content into seminars, modules, courses, and learning resources. The Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcing the FY25 Program was released on January 14, 2025. Eligible applicants may apply for awards of up to $100,000. Funding is awarded in an open, competitive process. The deadline to submit a proposal is April 14, 2025. 

To learn more about the prior awards, please see NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program: Awardees.


The Standards Coordination Office (SCO) Standards Services introduced the “Education Challenge Grants” program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012. The program began with a budget of $150,000; six small grants were awarded to launch the program, supporting the development of new learning resources and course modules integrating standards into the formal curriculum in business and engineering programs. The following year, the program was changed from a grant program to a cooperative agreement program, allowing SCO to work more closely with award recipients and to provide greater support to strengthen education and learning about standards and standardization. In 2023, the name of the program became the SCO Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program. 

The number of awards given fluctuates each year based on various factors such as the number of proposals received and funding available. The evaluation criteria have evolved as NIST continues to improve the program each year, but the essential goal has remained the same—support for standards education at US colleges and universities. 

Program Criteria

Applicants are evaluated on their ability to meet criteria in four major categories:

  • Project Approach and Project Execution Plan;
  • Communication and Dissemination Plan;
  • Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel; and
  • Resource Availability.

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Updated News

NIST Awardees Publish Book on Standards Information Literacy

A new publication, Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators, is available for free download or purchase from Purdue University Press. Comprising 13 chapters, the handbook provides background information on standards and information on how to access standards, best practices for developing a useful collection of standards, and integrating standards into the curriculum. Additionally, it includes 14 case studies in many disciplines, including engineering, business, and law. NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program (SCOCD CAP) awardees Margaret Philips, Purdue University, and Daniela Solomon, Case Western Reserve University, are co-authors and co-editors of the book. Click here for more details.

Penn Program on Regulation launches a new curricular resource site that showcases the importance of voluntary codes and standards

The University of Pennsylvania Law School and Penn Program on Regulation (PPR) received two awards under the NIST Standards Services Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program to develop course modules and case studies on legal and administrative issues related to codes and standards. The curricula is now available on a new website,, and can be used to integrate the study of codes and standards into core and elective courses in law schools and public policy graduate programs. The content is organized into five segments:(1) Introduction to Codes and Standards; (2) Standard Essential Patents; (3) Incorporation by Reference; (4) Risk Regulation; and (5) Federal Preemption. All of the materials needed to support one or more class modules are provided.

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Launches NIST-Funded Project to Develop Standards Education Curricula

November 28, 2022 - RIT was recently awarded a grant to develop curricular modules on infrastructure improvement and resilience to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to standards. The modules will include case studies and simulation exercises that can be used in traditional classroom and online courses. The new curricula will be integrated into RIT degree programs in construction management, environmental sustainability, health and safety, and computing security, as well as smart grid and architectural engineering curriculum at partnering institutions.   

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  • NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program
Created May 16, 2016, Updated January 15, 2025