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Search Publications by: Eite Tiesinga (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 188

Effect of ''glancing'' collisions in the cold atom vacuum standard

February 12, 2025
Stephen Eckel, Daniel Barker, James A. Fedchak, Jacek Klos, Julia Scherschligt, Eite Tiesinga
We theoretically investigate the effect of "glancing" collisions on the ultra-high-vacuum pressure readings of the cold-atom vacuum standard (CAVS), based on either ultracold $^7$Li or $^87}$Rb atoms. Here, glancing collisions are those collisions between

Quantum Scattering of Icosahedron Fullerene C_60} with Noble-Gas Atoms

April 22, 2024
Eite Tiesinga, Jacek Klos, Svetlana Kotochigova
There exist multiple ways to cool neutral molecules. A front runner is the technique of buffer gas cooling, where momentum-changing collisions with abundant cold noble-gas atoms cool the molecules. This approach can, in principle, produce the most diverse

Accurate measurement of the loss rate of cold atoms due to background gas collisions for the quantum-based cold atom vacuum standard

August 1, 2023
Daniel Barker, James A. Fedchak, Jacek Klos, Julia Scherschligt, Abrar Sheikh, Eite Tiesinga, Stephen Eckel
We present measurements of thermalized collisional rate coefficients for ultra-cold $^7$Li and $^87}$Rb colliding with room-temperature He, Ne, N$_2$, Ar, Kr, and Xe. In our experiments, a combined flowmeter and dynamic expansion system, a vacuum metrology

Precise Quantum Measurement of Vacuum with Cold Atoms

December 20, 2022
Daniel Barker, Bishnu Acharya, James A. Fedchak, Nikolai Klimov, Eric Norrgard, Julia Scherschligt, Eite Tiesinga, Stephen Eckel
We describe the cold-atom vacuum standards (CAVS) under development at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The CAVS measures pressure in the ultra-high and extreme-high vacuum regimes by measuring the loss rate of sub-millikelvin sensor

Comparison of two multiplexed portable cold atom vacuum standards

July 15, 2022
Lucas Ehinger, Bishnu Acharya, Daniel Barker, James A. Fedchak, Julia Scherschligt, Eite Tiesinga, Stephen Eckel
We compare the vacuum measured by two portable cold atom vacuum standards (pCAVS) based on ultracold $^7$Li atoms. Our pCAVS devices share the same laser system and measure the vacuum concurrently. The two pCAVS together detected a leak with a rate on the

Erratum: Collisions of room temperature helium with ultra-cold lithium and the van-der-Waals bound state of HeLi [Phys. Rev. A 101, 012702 (2020)]

February 28, 2022
Constantinos Makrides, Daniel Barker, James A. Fedchak, Julia Scherschligt, Stephen Eckel, Eite Tiesinga
We have found an error in the computation of the thermally-averaged total elastic rate coefficient for the collision of a room-temperature helium atom with an ultra-cold lithium atom presented. We omitted the factor $2/\sqrt\pi}$ in the normalization over

Prospects for assembling ultracold radioactive molecules from laser-cooled atoms

February 21, 2022
Jacek Klos, Hui Li, Eite Tiesinga, Svetlana Kotochigova
Molecules with unstable isotopes often contain heavy and deformed nuclei and thus possess a high sensitivity to parity-violating effects, such as Schiff moments. Currently the best limits on Schiff moments are set with diamagnetic atoms. Polar molecules

CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2018

January 10, 2022
Eite Tiesinga, Peter J. Mohr, David B. Newell, Barry N. Taylor
We report the 2018 self-consistent values of constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA). The recommended values can also be found at

Progress towards comparison of quantum and classical vacuum standards

September 22, 2021
Daniel Barker, Nikolai Klimov, Eite Tiesinga, James A. Fedchak, Julia Scherschligt, Stephen Eckel
We present our progress towards a comparison of NIST's cold atom primary vacuum standard and a dynamic expansion vacuum standard. The cold atom vacuum standard (CAVS) converts the loss rate of atoms from a magnetic trap to a vacuum pressure using ab initio

CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2018

June 30, 2021
Eite Tiesinga, Peter Mohr, David B. Newell, Barry Taylor
We report the 2018 self-consistent values of constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data of the Interna- tional Science Council (CODATA). The recommended values can also be found at

Simplify your life

December 2, 2020
Gordon Drake, Eite Tiesinga
Within the Hartree atomic unit systems, the Schrödinger equation becomes parameter free. But there's more to it than making a student's life easier, as Gordon Drake and Eite Tiesinga recount.

Feshbach resonances in p-wave three-body recombination within Fermi-Fermimixtures of open-shell 6-Li and closed-shell 173-Yb atoms

August 14, 2020
Aliana Green, Hui Li, Jun Hui See Toh, Xinxin Tang, Katherine McCormick, Ming Li, Eite Tiesinga, Svetlana Kotochigova, Subhadeep Gupta
We report on observations and modeling of interspecies magnetic Feshbach resonances in dilute ultracold mixtures of open-shell alkali-metal 6 Li and closed-shell 173 Yb atoms with temperatures just above quantum degeneracy for both fermionic species

SI Base Units Relationships Poster

March 3, 2020
Eite Tiesinga, Kristen A. Dill, David B. Newell
This publication is a colorful poster illustrating the relationships of the International System of Units (SI) derived units with special names and symbols and the seven traditional base units. The diagram is aligned with the BIPM SI Brochure, 9th edition

A semiclassical theory of phase-space dynamics of interacting bosons

August 21, 2019
Eite Tiesinga, Ranchu Mathew
We study the phase-space representation of dynamics of bosons in the semiclassical regime where the occupation number of the modes is large. To this end, we employ the van Vleck-Gutzwiller propagator to obtain an approximation for the Green’s function of

The International System of Units (SI), 2019 Edition

August 20, 2019
David Newell, Eite Tiesinga
The definitive international reference on the International System of Units (SI) is a booklet published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and often referred to as the BIPM SI Brochure. Entitled Le Systeme International d' Unites

Observation of bound state self-interaction in a nano-eV atom collider

November 20, 2018
R Thomas, M. Chilcott, A. Deb, Eite Tiesinga, N. Kjaergaard
Quantum mechanical scattering resonances for colliding particles occur when a continuum scattering state couples to a discrete bound state between them. The coupling also causes the bound state to interact with itself via the continuum and leads to a shift