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Search Publications by: Alan Migdall (Fed)

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 218

Topological Robustness of Transport Statistics for Photons in a Synthetic Gauge Field

August 20, 2014
Sunil Mittal, Jingyun Fan, Sanli Faez, Alan L. Migdall, Jacob M. Taylor, Mohammad Hafezi
Electronic transport through a disordered medium leads generically to localization, where conductance drops exponentially with system size, even at zero temperature. The addition of gauge fields to disordered media leads to fundamental changes in transport

Hybrid Detectors

November 29, 2013
Sergey V. Polyakov, Alan L. Migdall, Franco N. Wong, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Ian Walmsley, Hendrik B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge
We present an overview of e orts to improve photon-counting detection systems through the use of hybrid detection techniques such as spatial- and time-multiplexing of conventional detectors, and frequency up-conversion. We review the basic operation for

Single-Photon Sources and Detectors Book: Chapter 1: Introduction

November 29, 2013
Joshua C. Bienfang, Jingyun Fan, Alan L. Migdall, Sergey V. Polyakov
In the beginning there was light. And it was good. Not long thereafter people began to look for a comprehensive understanding of its nature. While the publication record starts o a little spotty, in the fth century BC the Greek philosopher Empedocles

Imaging topological edge states in silicon photonics

October 20, 2013
Mohammad Hafezi, Jingyun Fan, Alan L. Migdall, Jacob M. Taylor
Systems with topological oder exhibit exotic phenomena including fractional statistics. While most systems with topological order have been electronic, advances in our understanding of synthetic gauge fields have enabled realization of topological order in

Mode reconstruction of a light field by multi-photon statistics

July 15, 2013
Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, Fabrizio Piacentini, I. Ruo Berchera, Sergey V. Polyakov, Silke Peters, Stefan Kuck, Giorgio Brida, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Alan L. Migdall, Marco Genovese
Knowing the underlying number and structure of occupied modes of a light field plays a crucial role in minimizing loss and decoherence of quantum information. Typically, full characterization of the mode structure involves a series of several separate

Photon-Number-Resolved Detection of Photon-Subtracted Thermal Light

June 18, 2013
Jingyun Fan, Yanhua (. Zhai, Francisco E. Becerra Chavez, Boris L. Glebov, Adriana E. Lita, Brice R. Calkins, Thomas Gerrits, Sae Woo Nam, Alan L. Migdall
We examine the photon statistics of photon-subtracted thermal light using photonnumberresolving detection. We show the photon-number distribution transforms from a Bose-Einstein distribution to a Poisson distribution as the number of photons subtracted

Practical implementation of a test of event-based corpuscular model as an alternative to quantum mechanics

May 8, 2013
Sergey V. Polyakov, Alan L. Migdall, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Fabrizio Piacentini, Giorgio Brida, Marco Genovese, Paola Traina
We describe in detail the first experimental test that distinguishes between an event-based corpuscular model of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through

Experimental test of an event-based corpuscular model modification as an alternative to quantum mechanics

February 13, 2013
Giorgio Brida, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Marco Genovese, Alan L. Migdall, Fabrizio Piacentini, Sergey Polyakov, Paola Traina
We present the first experimental test that distinguishes between an event-based corpus- cular model of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through a Mach

Experimental test of an event-based corpuscular model modification as an alternative to quantum mechanics

February 13, 2013
Giorgio Brida, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Marco Genovese, Alan L. Migdall, Fabrizio Piacentini, Sergey Polyakov, Paola Traina
We present the first experimental test that distinguishes between an Event-Based Corpuscular Model (EBCM)9) of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through a

Experimental demonstration of a receiver beating the standard quantum limit for multiple nonorthogonal coherent-state discrimination

January 6, 2013
Francisco E. Becerra Chavez, Jingyun Fan, Gerald Baumgartner, Julius Goldhar, Jonathan Kosloski, Alan L. Migdall
The measurement of the state of a quantum system with inherent quantum uncertainty (noise) approaching the ultimate physical limits is of both technological and fundamental interest. Quantum noise prevents any mutually nonorthogonal quantum states, such as

Adaptive measurements in nonorthogonal state discrimination

December 18, 2012
Francisco E. Becerra Chavez, Alan L. Migdall
Adaptive measurements represent important resources in quantum information science and quan- tum technologies. They take advantage of the knowledge of partial measurements of the system to optimize subsequent measurements and perform tasks that are dicult

Extending single-photon optimized superconducting transition edge sensors beyond the single-photon counting regime

October 2, 2012
Thomas Gerrits, Brice R. Calkins, Nathan A. Tomlin, Adriana E. Lita, Alan L. Migdall, Sae Woo Nam, Richard P. Mirin
Photon number resolving transition-edge sensors (TES) are the cutting-edge enabling technology for high quantum efficiency photon counting when the number of photons of an input state needs to be determined. The TES developed at NIST reliably show system

Extending single-photon optimized superconducting transition edge sensors beyond the single-photon counting regime

October 2, 2012
Thomas Gerrits, Brice R. Calkins, Nathan A. Tomlin, Adriana E. Lita, Alan L. Migdall, Richard P. Mirin, Sae Woo Nam
Typically, transition edge sensors resolve photon number of up to 10 or 20 photons, depending on the wavelength and TES design. We extend that dynamic range up to 1000 photons, while maintaining sub- shot noise detection process uncertainty of the number

An algorithm for finding clusters with a known distribution and its application to photon-number resolution using a superconducting transition-edge sensor

July 20, 2012
Zachary H. Levine, Thomas Gerrits, Alan L. Migdall, Daniel V. Samarov, Brice R. Calkins, Adriana E. Lita, Sae Woo Nam
Improving photon-number resolution of single-photon sensitive detectors is important for many applications, as is extending the range of such detectors. Here we seek improved resolution for a particular Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) through