The NIST Laser Power and Energy Calibration Project develops and maintains the U.S. national standards for the characterization of laser power and energy instruments and other optical and optoelectronic components used with lasers and in laser-based systems. We are here to serve you; and would like to encourage you to reach out to our technical staff Matthew.Spidell [at] (Matthew[dot]Spidell[at]nist[dot]gov), Kyle.Rogers [at] (Kyle[dot]Rogers[at]nist[dot]gov), Sonia.Buckley [at] (Sonia[dot]Buckley[at]nist[dot]gov), and Brian.Simonds [at] (Brian[dot]Simonds[at]nist[dot]gov) with technical questions related to measurement science, standards, and technology.
Laser power and energy instrument calibration leaders. From left to right: Brian Simonds (high power instrument metrology), Kyle Rogers (optical fiber and high power instrument metrology), Matt Spidell (low power instrument metrology, pulsed-laser instrument metrology, UV-laser instrument metrology), and Sonia Buckley (single photon detector metrology).
For calibrating instruments used to measure the power or energy emitted by a laser, or single photon source specially designed primary and secondary standards consisting of calorimeters, pyroelectric detectors, thermal radiometers, photodiode traps and recently superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD).
Our well-characterized instruments primary and secondary standards are traceable to the SI through an ISO17025 accredited process. Our calibrations are foundational to most laser power and energy instrument manufacturers. There is generally no laboratory offering better precision than what we offer. In a continuing process, new standards are developed and implemented to expand and improve service capabilities.
In addition to our many calibration services for laser power and energy instruments available at the NIST Store, the Applied Physics Division conducts research on a variety of problems in the characterization of optoelectronics components. Consequently, we are interested in discussing and supporting all measurements involving laser detectors, sources, components, and instrumentation. We would like to encourage you to reach out to our technical staff Matthew.Spidell [at] (Matthew[dot]Spidell[at]nist[dot]gov), Kyle.Rogers [at] (Kyle[dot]Rogers[at]nist[dot]gov), Sonia.Buckley [at] (Sonia[dot]Buckley[at]nist[dot]gov), and Brian.Simonds [at] (Brian[dot]Simonds[at]nist[dot]gov) with technical questions related to measurement science, standards, and technology.