The Program Coordination Office (PCO) supports the NIST Director and Associate Directors, working closely with all NIST organizations across Laboratory Programs, Innovation and Industry Services, and Management Resources. The PCO focuses on three areas: planning, evaluation, and program coordination.
PCO’s role in planning encompasses the development of strategic planning documents for NIST and the Department of Commerce, developing and articulating annual budget priorities, and staffing the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology. PCO also administers a variety of multi-organization processes including the Innovations in Measurement Science intramural research program and the Centers of Excellence Program.
In evaluation, PCO leads the development and reporting of performance metrics and other evaluation tools to ensure compliance with legislative and Administration requirements. PCO also coordinates internal program reviews and external evaluations such as annual assessments of laboratory programs by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
PCO’s program coordination responsibilities include serving as the interface between NIST and the Department of Commerce, other Federal agencies, and the Executive Office of the President in matters pertaining to innovation, technology, and standards policy. PCO coordinates and drives NIST engagement in various interagency activities, and helps to establish new institute-wide policies where needed to advance the mission of NIST.