Dr. Kamel S. Saidi is a Supervisory Mechanical Engineer in the Intelligent Systems Division (ISD) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He leads the Sensing and Perception Systems Group and is the Associate Manager for the Measurement Science for Manufacturing Robotics Program. Dr. Saidi is also a member of the National Construction Safety Team and leads the Remote Sensing and Data Visualization Project for the investigation into the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium building. His current research includes the development of metrics, test methods and ground-truth systems for evaluating the performance of robot perception, safety, dexterity, mapping and autonomy for manufacturing as well as emergency response robots. He is also involved in research aimed at developing performance evaluation methods, metrics, and facilities for 3D Imaging Systems (through ASTM E57). Dr. Saidi conducted research in construction automation for 10 years prior to shifting his focus to manufacturing and emergency response robotics. Dr. Saidi holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin (UT), where he focused his research on information technology at the construction site and construction automation systems. His graduate research included the design and implementation of a tele-operated, hydraulic robot for the maintenance of electric power plant boilers (for which he is a co-inventor on a US patent). Dr. Saidi's graduate research also involved the design and implementation of a road crack-sealing robot and a large-scale manipulator (robot arm) for construction operations. Dr. Saidi also holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on Mechanical Systems and Design (and a minor emphasis on Biomedical Engineering) from UT.
2021, Service to America Medal: Safety, Security, and International Affairs Finalist for developing “sophisticated testing standards to ensure ground, underwater and aerial robots have the capability to help emergency responders and the military handle disasters and other dangerous situations.”
2019, U.S. Department of Commerce Ron Brown Excellence in Innovation Award and Gold Medal Award, “for breakthrough innovations in developing and disseminating more than 30 performance tests to quantitatively measure and compare ground robot capabilities for extremely hazardous missions.”
2018, National Institute of Standards and Technology Edward Bennett Rosa Award, “for outstanding leadership and technical excellence in initiating and developing performance test methods that have been adopted as international standards for 3D imaging systems used in a wide range of critical applications.”
2018, National Institute of Standards and Technology Safety Award for “the development and execution of rigorous safety protocols, training, and infrastructure to support the NIST Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Flight and Payload Challenge.”
2018, ASTM International, Committee on Technical Committee Operations Service Award, “in recognition of his distinguished service and exceptional personal contribution as a member of the committee, 2016-2018.”
2011, ASTM International, Award of Appreciation, “in recognition of your outstanding service as an ASTM Committee Chairman (2010-2011).”
2008, NIST/BFRL Safety Award, for “conscientious and proactive approach to safety as Leader of the High Voltage Hazard Tiger Team.”
2008, ASTM International, Award of Appreciation, “in recognition of your efforts that led directly to the development of Committee E57’s inaugural standard, ASTM E2544 Standard Terminology for Three-Dimensional (3D) Imaging Systems.”