Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy 2018 (Past Event)
The IFES will be holding an image contest in conjunction with APT&M 2018. The contest is open to all APT&M 2018 participants. The submitted image must be free of copyrights and by entering the contest, the participant agrees to let the IFES freely use the image for non-commercial purposes.
The judging panel will be composed of members of the IFES International Steering Committee. The top two images will be selected and the winning images will be announced at the APT&M 2018 Awards Banquet.
Image Submission Deadline: June 8, 2018 (Past)
For any questions, please contact the Awards Committee Chair, Stephan Gerstl, at (stephan.gerstl [at] (stephan[dot]gerstl[at]scopem[dot]ethz[dot]ch))